BIG SHOW OFF: Photos of Your Hybrids!

Hirnsausen said:

Reminds me for a very crazy idea i had. to combine in a hybrid HOPEFULLY the black-purple foliage of the "Black Pearl" with some white fruits like the white Bullet Habanero and others. :-D

Just an intention, not yet done.
A black plant with white pods would look great, PMD x white ghost (Justin White strain) could potentially do this and look amazing. I would personally not use black pearl because the fruit are horrible/useless IME lol
These Hot Nards look really good! Fleshy, rounded, yet long. How's their flavor and their heat level?

Any photo of the PMD x white ghost?
Hirnsausen said:
Wow. I am seeing truly amazing hybrids here in this thread. :-D

I am intending a number of cross-pollinations that involve the Pimenta de Neyde, as this is a good way to get amazing patterns and colors on the resulting hybrids. As compagnons I consider these:
- Cheiro Roxa (beautifully purple to peach orangish cream, never ripens to red)
- Thunder Mountain Longhorn (that should give us an amzing thing with amazing colors and patterns)
- brown and red Jamaican Scotch Bonnet and Habanero (because of the flavors)
Does anyone else here have hybrids involving
- Pimenta de Neyde
- Cheiro Roxa
PDN x SB7J hybrid I grew last season




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Here's one that I can't explain fully.    1st gen parent was a 7P red x Habanero Red from Trident chili, grew out large hab shaped red pods.   Saved these seeds and here is 2nd gen: 


Easily the largest C. chinense I have ever grown.       Since these were OP seeds, who knows but I can sure vouch for hybrid vigor. 
Weight estimate 20-23 grams.  
They're looking very attractive with these colors.
I am thinking, to create amny mutations. There is that Facebook group called "X-CHILIES", that has that file library of documents (a WOW-collection!!!), how to apply x-rays or mutagenic solutions to Capsicum seeds. I don't have access to mutagenic solutions nor could I handle them correctly (disposal), but I know some doctors who agreed to let me use their x-ray machines once I have a sufficent amount of seeds. I would start, once I have 500 seeds of one variety.
Did here in this forium anyone try x-rays on Capsicum seeds?
Or are here any doctors who would want to join such an experiment and help other interested chili growers with their x-ray machine?
Hirnsausen said:
They're looking very attractive with these colors.
I am thinking, to create amny mutations. There is that Facebook group called "X-CHILIES", that has that file library of documents (a WOW-collection!!!), how to apply x-rays or mutagenic solutions to Capsicum seeds. I don't have access to mutagenic solutions nor could I handle them correctly (disposal), but I know some doctors who agreed to let me use their x-ray machines once I have a sufficent amount of seeds. I would start, once I have 500 seeds of one variety.
Did here in this forium anyone try x-rays on Capsicum seeds?
Or are here any doctors who would want to join such an experiment and help other interested chili growers with their x-ray machine?
I went to their group but could find no mention of how to apply mutagens, probably too far down. I might actually be able to do this since my mom is a biochemist
MisterBigglesworth said:
That would be a great name for a hybrid purple pepper!   
This hybrid originally was from Bhuter up in Michigan.     SBJ7 cross:

the 1st generation was bumpy.   Now, they're..... shiny. 
And very tasty. 
Wow! Very nice! What a great shape! Pretty warm?
D3monic said:
I wouldnt knowingly consume peppers that had been treated with mutagens or xrays... well short of space chilis... guess that could potentially be worse... still though

Nature produces the best products. When you mess with that, you get a lower quality product at best or serious problems at worst.