BIG SHOW OFF: Photos of Your Hybrids!

SpeakPolish said:
I went to their group but could find no mention of how to apply mutagens, probably too far down. I might actually be able to do this since my mom is a biochemist

I advise you to make it very obvious if you sell or even GIVE them to others. Large bold print.
When being inside that X-CHILIES group, do not look for threads. But click on "FILES" (File Library). They got a pretty good one there. And there are all the DOCs and PDFs you can dream of.
It's basically simulating what nature does all the times. Just that nature uses the DNA-destructive force of sun emissions and natural Earth radioactivity. We use x-rays. That's what causes evolution. Yes, many changes are dramatically or slightly worse. Some are neutral. And some lead to better offspring than the parents. Natural Earth radiactivity and sun emissions are all over and around you since you was born and even before. And we don't treat the fruits or plants. Seeds only.
No, we don't treat the fruits. We treat the seeds only. Basically, we simulate nature's activity - remember, since the begin of evolution natural Earth radioactivity and ultraviolet sun emissions destroy tiny parts of the DNAs of all life forms, thus we never are identical but always have tiny changes.
Pimenta de Neyde x 7 Pot Caramel F1: look awesome, congrats!
Our attempts to emulate nature are rarely spot-on. Just please be careful. I feel this should have extensive studies from consenting adults.
Hirnsausen said:
Pimenta de Neyde x 7 Pot Caramel F1: look awesome, congrats!
Thank you very much!!! I have a pod that I isolated, so I'll have pure seed for it. Would you like F2 seeds for this variety? It starts green, then purple, back to green, yellow, orange, then red. Very interesting. A solid pod and pretty hot.

cmpman1974 said:
Nice!  I was wondering where you disappeared to. I thought you may have left when I couldn't get a reply. :)   Glad to see you posting.
Hi Chris good to see you posting. I tried deleting some old PM's and accidently deleted all of them like a big hope you and family are well. Cheers
Not my hybrid, but still worthy of a photo.  You put out a nice one A.J. Drew!


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All these amazing hybrids! I really enjoy these masterpieces of cross-breeding! Well-done! It also shows, that the results of our cross-breeding are really our pride!

Wondering, which other "adults" you talk about? Can you give us some details?
We all here, who experiment with chilies, are adults, if you talk about us here. The scientists who created the documents about creating mutations are all adults. So, which other adults are you trying to bring into our discussion here? Just curious.
I'm saying that when you have a large amount of these chilis, a bunch of people could try them and data could be collected so there's conclusive evidence of this being a good/safe idea.
Hey, thanks for the clarification.   ;)

But any chili fruits on these plants need to be tested first in a lab, or on animals. It would be unsafe to involve humans at that early stage. And testing and analyzing might take a few years.
But then again, each and any fruit or vegetable, you might say, is subject to DNA changes through natural emissions (radioactivity included), and we still eat them just like that without spending any further thoughts.

There is another method of genetical changes, those are aiming to change selected attributes of a plant. They use gen-splicing to achieve these changes, and introduce DNA segments from other non-related plants into the DNA of this plant. We call it Genetic Engineering. It is this unrelated DNA material, that actually raises concern of side effects or unwanted attributes, as the make-up of the DNA is such that one change affects many attributes: touch one thread of a spider's web, and still many more threads are affected. It is those DNA changes, that raise the biggest concerns and have to be tested vigorously.
cmpman1974 said:
Not my hybrid, but still worthy of a photo.  You put out a nice one A.J. Drew!
Nice Calix on that one Chris!
I'm going to go straight over to AJ's website and see if I can find some seeds!
Edit: AJ is out of those seeds  :tear:
        Hopefully it's only temporary.
If you still have some of the red pods, would you include them in my next box?
Bhuter said:
Here's a comparison pic of two F2 pods. Same cross: Black Naga x Peri-Peri...2 different plants. I'm keeping the chocolate and not growing the red.
Orekoc said:
If you still have some of the red pods, would you include them in my next box?
Absolutely!!! They might be dried out by the time they get there. I might have to pull them just as they're turning or before. But yes!!!! And it would be cool if you grew it out!!!!
Bhuter said:
Just like a frutescens. Can't keep their stem on. Here are a few overripe.

I'll definitely include some of these.
Are these thick walled/juicy or thin and dry? Taste? Im interested in chinense x frutescense as the one I currently grow is amazing