Red, tell ALLL dese old cunts to go change their f**king colastamie bags and leeve you da f**k alones. zeriously, I dare you to keep posting this shit just to piss them off. What's the Boss gonna do? kick off a up and coming reviewer, for being a teenager and playing vidsof video games in the lounge.

"Sorry son but you, are going on restriction. And you still have to do your chores with no allowance. And we're taking your transistor radio. No listening to the ball game whilst your on restriction, son."
Red, you just keep being you. Joke em if they can't take a f**k!
Nnyeaa, howya like dEm appulls gaad demmet!
Seriously though Red I didn't even watcht this second games vid, I got my fill on da first one. But Iwasn't gonna give you shit for it cause your a Grommie. And just in case your unsure. Out West, Grommie is a term of respect four a youngster that has Potentcial.