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pics BigT 1st Naga harvest - a few pics

excellent Tony...just plain excellent...
bigt said:
I have the desire to plant less! :lol: Some plants won't be renewed, and most multiples will be cut back to one. 3 or 4 new ones next year will be plenty.

Let's just wait and see. January is a long ways away hahha.
Thats alot of nice looking peppers i love the size of those 7 Pot Jonahs, does anyone know where i can buy those seeds want them for next season.
Thanks for all the compliments guys - most of the plants are doing very well, my biggest disappointment is the Serrano, it has just not looked that healthy from the get go even though it's making some pods. I know I'll do better with it next year as I love the flavor of that pod.

chillilover said:
Why the huge swing in #'s, 0 bishop crowns and tons of the rest?

Yeah, I really can't explain why the Bishops Crown are taking so long, the plant just went pure vegetative for a long time and grew like crazy before it started making any pods. It has loads of pods on it now and a few are just starting to turn so I expect to start picking them soon. My Gold Bullet was a late start (early March) and the Bullets are always slow. It's a big success though and is huge, twice as big as any I've grown before. It has a ton of pods and flowers and I'm betting I'll get more than 500 out of it. (they are small pods) The Fresnos were not started until May and are just starting to turn red now - I've only eaten a few green so far. The PRF Fataliis are weird because they were both started the same day, but one has had a ton of ripe pods and the other zero. That, I can't explain, although I will pick some ripe pods off it tomorrow finally. I have at least 200+ pods to pick tomorrow including many more Bhuts, Dorsets and Bihs. I started stressing the Bhuts by withholding water and they seem to like it - the pods are finally ripening in #'s - it likes the tongue hanging out, limp leaf look apparently. Just an all around evil plant - enjoys giving and receiving pain! :lol: I'll post some more pictures tomorrow, I'll be up early.
More pics from this morning. Today's harvest included 44 Bhuts (4 plants), 66 Dorset Nagas (3 plants), 47 Fataliis (3 plants), 14 Chocolate Habs (2 plants) and 58 Red Savinas (2 plants). My 4 tray dehydrator is jammed full.

The Bishops Crowns are finally turning, it's been a while since they were planted in February. That's what I get for pinching buds.


Some of today's crop. The Bhuts were excellent with most of them being over 3" long and some 3.5" plus. Also in this bowl are Fataliis and Chocolate Habs.
Bhut alley - I have 4 plants total, I'll only have one next year.

Gold Bullet Habanero, I'm really happy with this plant as it's over 3 feet from the ground, by far the biggest of these I've ever had. It was a late start in March and has been super slow, but I think it will come on strong in September with pod production.

That's it for a while - I'm taking too many pictures. :)
Great harvest again Tony but you need to learn to do something else with all those pods than just the dehydrator. Making hot sauces is easy and fun. Basic recipe for the pods you have would be all those pods, 1 cup vinegar, 1/3 cup sugar, 2 tablespoon salt, and seasoning. Cook for 30 minutes and puree. I make powders too but I use a lot more hot sauce everyday. Pretty Bhut Jolokia full of pods. Bishops Hat makes for some tasty poppers BTW.;)
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Great harvest again Tony but you need to learn to do something else with all those pods than just the dehydrator. Making hot sauces is easy and fun. Basic recipe for the pods you have would be all those pods, 1 cup vinegar, 1/3 cup sugar, 2 tablespoon salt, and seasoning. Cook for 30 minutes and puree. I make powders too but I use a lot more hot sauce everyday. Pretty Bhut Jolokia full of pods. Bishops Hat makes for some tasty poppers BTW.;)

Thanks Cappy. I'm definitely doing the Bishops Poppers when I get enough. How many pods in that recipe with 1 cup vinegar? I actually don't use much sauce normally, I like either fresh pepper of the convenience of powder.

Silver_Surfer said:
Great harvest bigt. Those Bhuts look really nice.

Thanks SS, these were the nicest Bhuts so far this year. I have the feeling they'll really take off when the weather cools a little.
bigt said:
I actually don't use much sauce normally, I like either fresh pepper of the convenience of powder.

I'm the same way.

I love that shot of them in the blue bowl. It looks like you are having a good season.