harvesting billyboys harvest

ok, just got in...

The "Naga hut" is no more :shocked: I needed more space so it had to go. Ive cut back my 7footer too, its now a stump :violin:

Ive rigged up a 220 litre olive barrel gravity feeding my plants all in coco. Im having a few problems with aphids atm, but it looks like Im starting to get on top of the little buggers! My new system is to allow me more access to my plants. I spotted some Trinidad Scorpion Pods too looking forward to trying them. Green Naga pods are hot too, thought Id break one open & have a taste:mouthonfire: I was thinking green pickled Nagas could be on the cards!
Ill post up some pix this week :cool:
I feel dizzy and weak......but why the 7 foot naga..........the humanity.

Man how far away are the scorpions?

and I'llhave somesauce for you in a fortnight.
DTJS naturally.

Tis truly a day of mourning :(

Hows the great ant war progressing BB? I'm going to have to start a battle here this week. Will try the borax & sugar method.
I have not seen an ant all week, (hearding little so & so's) we've had a week solid of rain, today was our first clear day, Ive been thinking about wanting to move things around so today was the day! I was ruthless :evil: But Im very pleased with the end result:)
only had a few light showers here. Noticed the little B's setting up home in a few pots yesterday & tried to drown them out. Today they're back happier & more numerous than ever.
i'm on top of the aphid probs for now so would be good to nuke the little cowhands while i'm winning.
BB I need photos man I'm hangin for the scorpions.
I got a great idea for a Jerk paste using the scorpions. I'm thinkin it will be very very tastey. marinate a chook over night in it and then a slow rotisserie cook on the bbq..........
I'm more than willing to cook a couple up for tasting purposes.


billyboy said:
To answer your question;


sent you a pm

how remiss of me, here I am having a few days off work, munching on some two minute noodles which I loaded up with billyboy's naga concentrate, when I realised :shocked: dunt dunt dunnnnnn

I hadn't made public comment on the quality of this product. those of you who have sampled this will already have a full appreciation of just how hot it is, those who haven't tried it, I urge you get some - it comes in little jars but it goes a long way!

probably the thing that surprises me most with this chile is that it is just pure, angry heat. it hits you hard from the first taste and tingles for a good 10-20 minutes afterwards. BB's mix is probably close to tomato paste in it's consistency and is a nice 'chile' red colour.

there is absolutely no vinegar odour that I can detect, in fact I don't detect much aroma at all. there is a very slight sweetness to it which quickly disappears to reveal the underlying and then all encompassing heat. in today's lunch of noodles I used two Maggi 2min noodle packets a large handful of sliced green beans and a full teaspoon of naga concentrate - that was enough to get the nose a little runny and to bring some colour to the cheeks.

if you haven't tried this yet, pm BB right now and get yourself some! the handmade labels with the skulls on are pretty cool too.
Glad you liked the Naga Concentrate C64, its as hot as hell & you reckon you had a full teaspoonful, christ,:mouthonfire: Im only game to try an 1/8th. Just for the record for those interested its no longer available due to all the hoops I need to jump through to get it happening, Im pretty sure stillmanz has something in the pipeline though, hes the sauce making machine.

Anyway Ive been playing around with my camera and found that I can do these little videos, so as requested by stillmanz, heres my Trinidad Scorpions.

cant wait till they ripen:hell:
Mate looks like you got a few pods comming. nice big leaves eh.

What you gonna do with them?

and naga paste is almost there just waiting for some jars to arrive and packaging lol I'm a bit under the pump at the moment with my day job lol.
Ok, so I had my first tasting of the famed Trinidad Scorpion, this weekend just past.

I had two beautiful ripe pods on one plant that I was letting ripen to as much as possible, I planned on picking them on the Sunday, I checked them on the Friday, :onfire: looking great.... went back and checked them Saturday, lovely... Sunday afternoon, went down to go and pick them...

One was gone... The other totally anilelated... well almost!

I was furious, I picked the remaining pod & salvaged every last scarerick of pod that was in tact, I then ate raw in my anger a piece 1cm x 1cm,:mouthonfire: these guys are extreme, (heat wise) flavour was kinda hab tasting, but the fumes or whatever it is that blasts your mouth, which leaves you gasping for a breath is memorable, close to unbearable! I raced to the kitchen looking for sour cream... In my anger of ruined pods, I then proceeded to chop up the last remains of this bird pecked pod, I grabbed a beer & proceeded to savor every last bit of my sole first ripe Trinidad Scorpion pod, helped along with the added cushioning of sour cream & jatz biscits & swills of beer in between:P

I Thourouly enjoyed my first taste of these rare jems, I dont like to mention it but..., I have not had a case of "ring of fire" for a long time... The following morning I was looking for frozen toliet paper:mouthonfire:

Cant wait till my next wave of pods ripen & give these pods a good working out in the kitchen.
I am so looking forward to tasting a T. Scorp. .... besides the bad news on the bird eaten pods, sounds like they pack quite a punch...congrats BB
Thanks AJ, Im now in frantic bird knock down mode, my good old Naga hut was totally bird proof (but its gone), Im now devising ways in my mind to stop the birds from feasting on my peppers!

The hut was a pain to go in & inspect the plants for pests ie aphids, but it was fully bird proof, my new system allows me to keep the upper hand on the aphid problem, which if left unchecked will ruin your plants and mine are just making amends now.

Funny thing is though, I have all my contest Nagas with ripe pods on them, and none of them have been attacked by the birds yet my first two fully ripe Scorpions were prime targets!
my grandfather/grandmother used to use 9" (~23cm) aluminum pie plates tied to a piece of string many different places in the garden....and he also used some rubber snakes that he would lay in the branches of the plants...worked so so, but the best thing he did was buy me a BB gun and set me loose on the birds with pockets full of BBs....now that's huntin'

you can always set up motion detectors that when set off will make some kind of movement to scare the birds...