harvesting billyboys harvest

So, is this slow down normal for this time of year? I know you're close enough to Bent for him to drop by, but how much cold do you get in the winter?
So, is this slow down normal for this time of year? I know you're close enough to Bent for him to drop by, but how much cold do you get in the winter?

Naturally they will slow up as winter approaches, our winters are not really too cold, never had a frost where I am. It will be interesting to see how these Nagas cope with my winter, the seeds were from Tony of nagaseeds, which Im sure are from pods he gets straight from Bangladesh, see how they go I guess.:)
My Bhut Jolokia did ok in the cool temps last fall, but it really didn't like it when the temps started dropping in the twenties and teens at night, even though I was heating the hoop house. I finally cut it way back, and thought I'd last it. I noticed last weekend, though, a few tiny green leaves coming out near the base.

Cherry Chocolate and Pilange continue to be the real champs in the hoop house, btw. I picked a handful of beautiful ripe peppers off of them last week. The Criolla Sella and Hinklehatz aren't too shabby, either, but they're in the most sheltered part of the hoop house.
My orange habs stoped flowering a few weeks ago and the pods i picked were smaller in the last week. All the first wind of pods are off now and there are millions of new pods comming on strong. If my habs here in NSW are anything to gy by BB, you will have to start filling 4 liter paint tins of that concentrate once thay get going again.

Great plants by the way and i have to ask a stupid question........

I walway grow plants in dirt. I invisage Nagas groing in coco as plants growing in pots filled with Milo. Whats Coco?

Whats Coco?

Its known as coco coir, its basically coconut husks that have been milled to a fine grade, you can get heaps of different grades of it, the best IMO is Canna Coco, (I only use the Canna Coco when Im doing hydro nutes) I buy it in 50 litre bags at my hydro store, its all the rage these days with the hydro growers and the chillis love it, you get fantastic root growth with it. Those plants in the hut are getting fed 0.8 EC which is really low strength, the only thing you need to work out is your run to waste amount which is around 10% of your total daily feed, but with these low strengths I dont consider it a major concern, I just like to see a little run off at the end of each days waterings.

With my contest Nagas, Im doing a little experiment with different types if coco coir, using some of the various cheap stuff you buy at coles, (compressed blocks) it already comes with fertilizer in it so its just water it with the hose each week, they are looking great.
My Bhut Jolokia did ok in the cool temps last fall, but it really didn't like it when the temps started dropping in the twenties and teens at night

Those temps converted to degrees C are in the minus range, wow, dont think Ive ever experienced those temps here in Oz, In my parts our coldest winter nights would be in the 10 degrees C range.
billyboy said:
Those temps converted to degrees C are in the minus range, wow, dont think Ive ever experienced those temps here in Oz, In my parts our coldest winter nights would be in the 10 degrees C range.
You live in a greenhouse. :lol:
Just a little update on whats been happening with my Nagas, Ive not picked any pods since my last harvest post, I cut back four of the plants to make room for my latest hydro interest (T.Scorpions) The cut back plants have bounced back to life really quickly and look great & at a more managable size!

Heres the latest pic (today) of the 7 footer budding up


And a couple of pics of my T.Scorpions, these guys are 2 weeks younger than our contest Nagas



Those T.Scorpions were from Beth of peppermaina


Seriously, growing in coco is sooo easy, and you get fantastic results.

Im in awe of the soil growers, Im terrible with soil.
not at all Im feeding about 15 plants in there (the hut) its costing me in Aus dollars, approx 3 bucks a week.

They need so little these plants.
That's 10ILS per week, 40ILS per month and 480ILS per year. all for just 15 plants... it does cost a lot. for me anyway.