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Black Cobra

ABurningMouth said:
I'm sorry but they look like goat's weed crosses to me.

You don't have to be sorry. It does look like one. But I'm going to keep calling it the Mexican Black Cobra. Not just because the tag says it, but also because it sounds like a sweet wrestling move. Or a cartel.
I have a Chile Hidalgo plant, and it's hairy. And looks similar enough. Sorry, no pics for now but only because sun is direct now. A couple hours later maybe.
My black Cobra is starting to bud.Very small flowers compared to plant size.
Stem is very hairy and gray but the leaves are only starting to get as fuzzy as the goat weed etc. pictured above.
It's also not tree shaped like the Goat weed types.
Several long branches starting at the ground or next nodes up.
White flowers but not open yet.1 flower per node.
Bigger leaves than goat etc.
Not going to look like I thaught it might...
Might take pics tomorrow if I can of the bud if it opens.
my mates bob's black cobra, will be growing next season for sure

That's pretty cool, same plant marker too. Good lookin' plant.

My plant's doing well, grown some but nothing crazy and I'm seeing a few buds. Currently in the ground and caged off from the damned squirrels, so no good pics at the moment.
My plant is putting out green upturned pods that look like they are starting to go black.
The plants with southern exposure look different than the ones with northern exposure and shade or indirect sun most of the day.
The ones in the sun are much more fuzzy aned gray where the ones in the limited light are dark green and a lot more bushy.
All plants have buds and or pods.
The ones that don't get as much sun are shorter but bigger plants.
I'll post pics whenever I can take them.The sun is always in the wrong place whenever I want to get out the camera....
Lookin forward to those pics Mike. I'll have some in awhile, mine is just starting to pod. I might clone it, I put her in the ground and all my in ground stuff seems funky right now. The container stuff's doin good- a complete reversal of last year's situation.
Black Cobra that has sun all day-no shade-center plant with pods.


one that is shaded all day




Both look like goat weed relatives...
I have another that gets afternoon sun thats taller than these but couldn't get a pic.It has green pods that are turning black in spots.
Cats and Birds.
Mainly cats.
Birds are only a problem when the plants are small.
They dig them up looking for bugs to eat.
In the fall I get some birds passing through that eat pepper seeds out of the pods.
I grow year round so I always have pods growing of one kind or another.

I have a McDonolds next door so the birds get fed pretty well and mostly leave my pods alone.

Funny as heck when a cat squats and a couple traps domino each other as they all go off in succession.

Picture a cat going straight up in the air in the squatting position,yowling and then trying to run at the same time.

Like the cartoons were when willy cayote went over the cliff when the jet pack ran out of fuel.Runs for a few seconds then falls.
Willy Cayote isn't downloading at the time and have turds flying around chasing them though...

I put up netting so the traps are mostly sprung.
The bambo sticks kept them out but got too expensive as they rotted and got too short.
smokemaster said:
Picture a cat going straight up in the air in the squatting position,yowling and then trying to run at the same time.

Pretty good. That's actually more humane than I think I'd be to one of em tryin' to do that in one of my plants.

Cool to see you have a bunch goin'- looking good. I see some small pods on mine, gonna take the cage off and get some pics this weekend probably.
Shy Ann my black lab/chow mix died last year so I don't have cat control any more.
She was good at getting them.She spent 18 yrs. perfecting the art of hunting cats.
They taste like chicken....LOL

We have tons of ferrel cats around.
Mangey looking critters.
Besides having to chase the cats out myself I have to keep all the motorhome tires freshly peed on.Thats the hardest thing to keep up with even after a couple homebrews.
Home brews huh? What kind you make?

Here's a couple pods on my one plant-

And a couple of quick shots I took without the plastic cage around it. Not the best photos, kinda hurried.


Wish I woulda bought a few of them when they were around. Hopefully I get some decent seeds to save. Do you think they'll ripen red or stay black?
More than likely they'll ripen to red. Nice plant man! Gotta love those fuzzy goats weed like peppers. Livin the High Life I see! A man after my own heart...
joeknowsjolokia said:
Cats in the air!!!!Dude that is funny! You guys keep me in mind for some seedage...please!

If I have some to share, I will keep it in mind. Gonna try and do a little cloning action very soon. Kind of an insurance policy.
FiveStar said:
More than likely they'll ripen to red. Nice plant man! Gotta love those fuzzy goats weed like peppers. Livin the High Life I see! A man after my own heart...

Thanks Fivestar. Gotta live the High Life now and then!
I have seeds from all the plants pictured-Black Cobra (Just picked and drying out),Chile Negro De Arbol , Goat Weed and the pendulent and upturned podded unknowns.
Did the cobras go red before you harvested for seeds? I'm still in a holding pattern. Have some clones going in rockwool from the OG plant too.
Yes,Very bright shiney red.
I'll try and get pics soon.
The plant in the shade doesn't even look like the ones that get southern exposure.