Black Cobra

nice plants all. hey i would love to try growing this black cobra. if any one has extra i have some seeds to trade for sure pm will have seeds out to you fast!
Hey Noshow- I can't make any immediate promises as I have a couple previous commitments/takers and haven't harvested any yet. But I will keep you in mind and am sure I'll have some soon. As soon as they ripen anyway. I want to letthem do their thing and make sure they're viable. disclaimer- they are open pollinated though. I'm ensuring true pods through cloning here at my pad.

Mike, my first pod on the Mex just turned yesterday-


And here's a pic of the Negro Arbol you sent me seeds for last Dec or so-
(started sorta late)


My two plants are lookin super similar. Where'd you come up on the Negro Arbol's from originally?
boutros said:
Hey Noshow- I can't make any immediate promises as I have a couple previous commitments/takers and haven't harvested any yet. But I will keep you in mind and am sure I'll have some soon. As soon as they ripen anyway. I want to letthem do their thing and make sure they're viable. disclaimer- they are open pollinated though. I'm ensuring true pods through cloning here at my pad.

Mike, my first pod on the Mex just turned yesterday-


And here's a pic of the Negro Arbol you sent me seeds for last Dec or so-
(started sorta late)


My two plants are lookin super similar. Where'd you come up on the Negro Arbol's from originally?

Yeah Mike, do tell!
Green Thumb Nursery sold both plants named as I posted(chile negro de arbol and Black cobra).They had both plants this year but have had the Negro de arbol for several years.

I didn't make these names up.
Not even "Dolorama Darlins"(Beth named them that). :)

Part of my gray fuzzy collection.
I have a Black Dragon pack of seeds thats supposed to fit right in with these gray fuzzies.

I also have a Serrano that the plant looks like the other gray Fuzzies-goat weed looking.It's from Mexican Market Pepper seeds.

By the way,if you grow your Black Cobra in the shade or not full sun all day it doesn't grow into a tree and the leaves are a lot bigger.

I have 2 in the full sun-southern exposure and 1 gets northern exposure and is shaded most of the day.

It grew branches from the ground up like a regular bush type plant.

The Dolorama Darlins are bushes in shade or sun.
When I baught the 2 dollorama Darlins they had metalic blue pods.I assume it was from no lites in the store room.
I've tried and tried to get the purple back but can't figure out how to do it.
If you look at the pendant podded one in the sun when it's black it has a metalic blue hue to it.
Actually one is brown/black and the other is purple black in color.

My Black Cobras start out green and get pretty big before they go black.
The other gray fuzzies are only green for a short time,they turn black really fast.

I'm moving pots around I'll try to get some pics to post when I can get the time.
Pics of all of them side by side and separately.

Goat's Weed; Capsicum annuum; Venezuela

Black Cobra; Capsicum annuum;Mexico

Chile negro de arbol;Capsicum annuum; ? South America...I forgot where the supplier said they were from.

Dollorama Darlins;Capsicum annuum; 99cent store store room

Serrano(fuzzy Gray goat weed looking);Capsicum annuum; Market in Mexico

Black Dragon;Capsicum annuum;Vietnamese

If/when I get it together I'll try and get pics of all the plants.
Pics of the pods on the plants and cut open to show flesh thickness etc.
They also taste different but you'll have to have me send you seeds to grow to check taste out...
It might take me a while,I work 14 hr. days 7 days a week.
Gotta sleep once in a while and 10 hrs. isn't much time to do very much as far as non work related stuff or sleep goes.
Thats why I post at dark thirty AM a lot.
I've got No Show covered for the whole collection of gray fuzzies.Sending pods so he can taste them and have seeds too.
He should get some from you too in case they are different than mine-if people are right about the Black Cobra (and the other gray Fuzzies) being a cross or just re named for sales purposses.
I don't think they are the same,just another variety.
I don't believe there is only 1 gray fuzzy black podded pepper.That all plants that look like Goat weed are crosses of it.

But opinions are like --------.everyones got one.That includes me.
I'm not always right,I might have been a little bit confused... LOL

Boutros,You'd be suprised at how hard it is to cross peppers when you are really trying to get crosses.
I had high hopes for a White hab crossed with a naga Morich.
I crossed them myself with a bud from the white hab to a bud on the morich plant.
Looks like I got a Morich-no cross.
I was hoping for white morich,bumpy orange super hot bullets , super hot bumpy bullets or whatever.
Looks like I didn't get either so far.

Since Peppers are self pollinating they get pollinated by themselves first usually most of the time.

Though I did save seeds from a fish pepper that was open pollinated.

Most look like red Chile fish crosses but I planted 1 seed from that pod this year thinking I'd get the same cross-wrong.
This one looks like a cayenne type pod.
All seeds I saved from the cross were from the same pod.

Wonder if my Bhut or Scorpions got in on the gang bang too.
I find that peppers with a ton of flowers don't cross as well as the liter producers.
It seems that whenever I have a low production pod producer I get crosses.
If I let something like a Tepin open Pollinate I get pure seeds.

I think it's because a bee goes from flower to flower on a heavy producer-buds are close together-same pollen from the same plant.
It hits up all the buds on the same plant.Doesn't have to fly around to get a load of pollen to take home.
If you have a bunch of plants with only a few buds each it has to visit all the plants to get the load to take home.
Watch the bees in your garden and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Assuming you have some plants with lots of buds and some with only a couple.

My computer went blank and I thaught the first post was lost in the ozone.Sorry about the double post.
I'll edit out the repeated stuff etc.

As a side note.
I baught a couple Bombero plants last year.
The pods looked like a thai pepper.
Mine died this spring(drownd in the cold rain)and I baught new plants this year called Bombero.
The pods look like Jalapenos.
I have a couple plants so it's the grower playing games not some kid changing tags for fun.
I got the plants straight off the delivery truck.
I go to the nursery when they get deliveries.That way I get plants that aren't gone through by other people etc.
I can pick the ones I like.
Black Cobra and Chile Negro De Arbol are from the same grower.
If they were from 2 different growers I'd think they did a Pepper Joe on me-named a plant something different to get more sales or get you to buy 2 plants instead of one of the same thing because you thaught they were different plants/varieties.
Black Cobra made it to the land down under acording to the pics posted here.

Joe,You don't see a difference in the two pod shapes?
Phew! That's a serious work schedule Mike! And a lot of varieties. Never have grown a goats weed yet, and both of these two varieties I've posted, Black Cobra and the Negro are the first year I've grown them.

My friend bought a plant that looks very similar to these that turned up at a Home Despot. I'm gonna find the tag he gave it to me, it's something completely different name-wise. I'll take a pic and post it sometime and one of his plant when I get over to his pad- just to add to the mix, lol.

I've been sending the excess Negro Arbol's all over the place to just get them around. Figured I'd have more coming up later. Look forward to your pics if/when you get a min. That serrano sounds really interestin'.
So I picked some pods today, took the best twenty or so and took the seeds out. (from the first plant I bought w/the Black Mexican Cobra label) Anyway- dryin' them out now and have some for whoever's interested. Also have some seeds of the Chili de arbol negro I originally received from my buddy Smokemaster. Both plants were grown out in the garden- very healthy- disease and pest free, but were open pollinated.

Not a superhot or anything, pretty cool plant though and good taste, just a quick clean bit of heat. I'm using mine to replace cayenne, use for crushed red pepper flakes, etc.

Pretty much plannin on havin those interested doing a SASE sorta thing for the first dozen people to PM me. International orders are kinda difficult, will try and work out a few if possible.

Anybody I've done trades with already too, international or not- just PM me your address if you want some. It'll give me somethin' to cross reference against my really shoddy address book against.
Home brew.
1/2-1/3rd last years soil(3-5 parts orchid bark , 1 part peat , 1 -2 parts perlite)
mixed with 50/50 mix of peat and perlite.
Added Dolomite Lime and Bonemeal and some got a shot of Osmacote time release.
Basicaly whatever I could afford this year,which wasn't much.
Only doing 200-250 plants this year,had to cut way back.
Pubes are getting the good stuff though - 5 parts bark,1 part peat and 2 parts perlite with time release,lime and bonemeal.

I've got 30+ manzanos/rocoto/Locoto going.
Noshownate said:
my black cobra seeds you sent boutros are doing great and have been eating many pods from it thank you sir!

Right on Nate, you're welcome- glad you like em

Plants are lookin good SM. I have a neglected overwintered Black Cobra goin still. That area of the yard is gettin away from me this year though.
I'm growing Black Cobra peppers (or trying). The plant seems healthy but there are no flowers yet. Everything else is either flowering or bearing fruit. What am I doing wrong?
All these peppers overwintered outside last winter just fine (S.F. Valley-Van Nuys area).
I just got the Black Cobra a month or so ago from a grower I know through the Green Arrow/thumb nursery up the street a block.

The negro de arbol will get 4ft. high and wider in a bigger pot pot than I used (3 1/2 gal.) or in the ground.
I had one that big 3 yrs ago.
Hey!! I found someone in SFV!! I don't know anything about these peppers.
How hot are they? When are they ready to pick?
Thank you