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Black Naga

Here's an update on my little Black Naga seedlings (photo taken last friday)



Does anyone have any plants already with pods?
It may very well be (although the people with the yellow bhuts are reporting yellow pods, or so I think, so we can always have hope;))...

But we won't know until we see the pods. And at the very least it's two more regular Nagas for the season.
xcsports said:

I got them for free, so I can hardly call it a scam. ;)Had a member here distribute to several of us back in January. Very well may not turn out to be as advertised though. I guess we will find out soon enough.

well yellow bhut is actualy lemon bhut. theres no such thing as yellow bhut jolokia. i would think black bhut jolokia to be chocolate bhut jolokia
xcsports said:
well yellow bhut is actualy lemon bhut. theres no such thing as yellow bhut jolokia. i would think black bhut jolokia to be chocolate bhut jolokia

If they are yellow couldn't one just call them yellow bhuts? Hippy is growing them at the moment and they are definantly yellow :)
I believe the e-bay seller stopped calling them lemon bhut since it was leading to too much un-needed confusion. Now they are apparently being called yellow bhuts, whether thats what they really are or not
xcsports said:
well yellow bhut is actualy lemon bhut. theres no such thing as yellow bhut jolokia. i would think black bhut jolokia to be chocolate bhut jolokia

The E-bay seller, the supposed first grower, was using the name lemon bhut at first, while Chileseeds.uk, who supposedly got them from the ebay seller, called the same thing yellow bhut. Then, the ebay seller started to use the name yellow bhut as well. So, there is a pepper named yellow bhut.:lol:

Also, this discussion is about a black version of the Naga Morich, not the Bhut Jolokia. Still months away from saying if it is the real deal or not.

Here is a pic of the Black Nagas I have going. The one on the right was stunted for a while due to an aphid attack, but has doubled in size this week alone since they have been outside.


Here is a pic of the yellow bhuts as well


All 4 are going to be planted into their final homes starting this weekend.
Hey Guys,

Any updates on the Black Nagas?

These photos are about 10-12 days old. I'll hopefully be taking some more photos next week.
Mine are buried somewhere in a sea of other plants. I've lost track of my pepper varieties until I get them outdoors for hardening off this week. I'm going to transfer some to a portable cold frame. They are too crowded indoors now. I need to make some space!!

Been interested in this pepper since this thread started. Good to see they are at least growing. Appears they grow some big leaves at least.

Thank you for the update Aji Chombo.
Thanks Patrick. :)

Figure there may as well be some of us growing these to see if they are true to the label (and if not, well, just plain Nagas, then). So far both plants I'm growing seem to be typical chinenses, and yeah, they have big leaves (just like the Nagas I grew last year and the Trini Scorpion this year. Leaves are gi-normous!).

I've re-potted both my plants into 8 inch diameter pots, where they shall remain for the rest of the season. No flower buds as of yet.
You're most welcome. Tell you what if they do turn black and have the Naga heat and taste you are going to be one popular dude come seed swapping time.

Got my fingers crossed for you.