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Black Naga

JungleRain said:
maybe some kind souls will send us some of the next generation seeds when their pods ripen :oops: ;)

I have a Black Naga Just sprouted yesterday and is doing well out of the four i sowed only one has germed tough germ rates on these i guess Grant You can have any seeds i have and i will definately keep all updated on my progress with the elusive/bigfootish black Naga
Thanks Nate, much appreciated,
whats the foliage look like normal green or a bit darker perhaps?

Noshownate said:
I have a Black Naga Just sprouted yesterday and is doing well out of the four i sowed only one has germed tough germ rates on these i guess Grant You can have any seeds i have and i will definately keep all updated on my progress with the elusive/bigfootish black Naga
Wildfire Chilli Australia said:
Maybe he just sent local and not overseas then?

I am not sure why he didn't send any to 'Oz. I remember seeing you guys on the list he had on the thread. He was in England and I am in the US. Can't imagine there was much a price difference to ship there. I know it only costs me something like $1.18 to ship to Trinidad, Canada, Bahamas, Australia, didn't matter, always the same price.

The seeds were not packaged great, most were cracked to a certain extent and some were broken, but I did get 3 plants to sprout out of the 3 I planted. I still have 2 going as I culled the other. 1 healthy and the other recooperated from an aphid attack, but I think it will make it. If they grow true, I will be definately saving seeds and spreading the wealth.:lol: Should be ready in plenty of time to start the season again down under.

As far as right now, I only have 4 seeds left and not sure if they would even germinate as they are cracked and ends broken off, add to that it is late in your season and don't know if you can grow in the winter or not.........but since you two were supposed to get them anyway, if either wildfire chili australia or junglerain wants them just PM me and I will send them out. Can't guarantee anything, but not asking for anything either. First PM gets them.
jjs7741 said:
I am not sure why he didn't send any to 'Oz. I remember seeing you guys on the list he had on the thread. He was in England and I am in the US. Can't imagine there was much a price difference to ship there. I know it only costs me something like $1.18 to ship to Trinidad, Canada, Bahamas, Australia, didn't matter, always the same price.

The seeds were not packaged great, most were cracked to a certain extent and some were broken, but I did get 3 plants to sprout out of the 3 I planted. I still have 2 going as I culled the other. 1 healthy and the other recooperated from an aphid attack, but I think it will make it. If they grow true, I will be definately saving seeds and spreading the wealth.:lol: Should be ready in plenty of time to start the season again down under.

As far as right now, I only have 4 seeds left and not sure if they would even germinate as they are cracked and ends broken off, add to that it is late in your season and don't know if you can grow in the winter or not.........but since you two were supposed to get them anyway, if either wildfire chili australia or junglerain wants them just PM me and I will send them out. Can't guarantee anything, but not asking for anything either. First PM gets them.

That is very kind of you, thanks for the offer, but if they are cracked probably won't be much good. Would you mind though that when yours are ready that you could perhaps isolate a pod for me? It would be much appreciated and I am happy to pay for postage or do a trade.
thanks also Jacob, I guess I can wait till you's guys have some ripe pods,
my season is nearly over, probably end of May, good luck guys growing this one,
I hope it turns out a dark colouring at least for you
Not a problem, I plan on isolating several pods in case it comes true. At least then you should know if it is worth growing or just a plain naga.;) I hope it comes out true to description. These seeds were no more cracked than the ones I planted, but that doesn't mean they won't get damaged anymore either.

Happy Growing!
JungleRain said:
Thanks Nate, much appreciated,
whats the foliage look like normal green or a bit darker perhaps?

I still don't have any true leaves but the seedling seems almost half the size of all my other seedlings.
normal green color.
If I get any of mine to germinate and then give pods, I'll gladly send seeds to people (by then someone could have even attempted to cross the 'mythical' Black Naga with the equally rare and elusive 'Yellow Bhut'.)

Maybe we can have 'The Leopard Naga' or 'The Tiger's Bhut' :lol:
Haha. Speaking of the yellow bhut, anyone down under got any pods growing yet? I have 2 plants going of those as well. Curious to see what I get.

Two of the three seeds I planted have just germinated. I'll post a pic of them here at the weekend.

Does anyone have any of their Black Nagas flowering yet (wishful thinking)?
Here's the little ones! :onfire:


Now I just have to worry about the fungus gnats in the office...:(
That's awesome that they actually sprouted. Now we just have to wait another 6-7 months to see the final result. Can you stand the wait? :lol:
Diabolus said:
That's awesome that they actually sprouted. Now we just have to wait another 6-7 months to see the final result. Can you stand the wait? :lol:

Provided i've got other plants to keep me occupied for a little while, yes. But I keep wishing they'd be as big as the ones I started six weeks before...:(