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Black Naga

Well I have 4 pods starting to turn. :woohoo: They are starting off dark, but won't know for a few days what the final color will be. Just a little blush on the top right now. Looks like it may be a chocolate color though. Will post pics tomorrow or Saturday as they color up more.


Hot Dog! :onfire:

Looking forward to those photos! :)
Hi Jacob

I planted my seeds that you sent me last week. Not sure if they will sprout but fingers crossed. Look forward to hearing and seeing what they look like!

I hope they come up for you, but if not, I will have some pods isolated soon so I can send some more to you then. It is starting to look like a chocolate color.

Yeah, Chris, it is some mean looking pods and a healthy robust plant once it took off. Mine was a slow starter and is smaller than the one you have pictured in your grow log, but is still a good producer. Biggest pod has the top pretty well colored up and with this heat, it should finish ripening pretty quick. Might be colored enough for some good pics tomorrow or Saturday at the latest. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Here is a pic of the one farthest along in the ripening process. It should be ready in another day or two.
I agree Patrick. I said the same thing about a week or so ago. Looks almost identical to my choco bhuts and bigger than my naga morich. Maybe not a new variety after all, just renamed to sell seeds, although I did get them for free.

I agree Patrick. I said the same thing about a week or so ago. Looks almost identical to my choco bhuts and bigger than my naga morich. Maybe not a new variety after all, just renamed to sell seeds, although I did get them for free.


It definately looks like a Bhut chocolate. What just puzzles me, is how everybody who's growing it has noticed that the plant is very vigorous and with extremely big leaves compared to other Bhut/Nagas. When I compare the plant and leaf structure of my Black Naga plants to my Bhut chocos (no pods yet on either plants), I certainly wouldn't expect these to turn out to be the same??

Well... I obviously now have a few Bhut choco plants more than I expected!! And fortunately my seeds had the same prize-tag as yours Jacob :lol:

Well, the fact I get maybe 5-10 pods at most on a Choc Bhut from Frontal Agritech seeds and 30+ pods on this plant (with more spikes and longer) is reason enough to grow it. I'll take any advantage I can get!
I will agree with Chris and Aji Chombo, if they're a bigger producer with more spikes and larger peppers and more "evil looking" then I would be very happy to grow them.
But do they have the heat, because as you know looks can be deceiving (don't wanna rain on the parade) just thought I'd bring it up.
Well, I just picked it today, and after reading this, I decided to go ahead and give it a try. I am not one to eat a whole superhot, but I will try all that I grow, so I open it up and take a look. Only a few seeds in it, like 12 or so running the entire length of the pod, and a whole lot of cap just oozing out. So, I pick off a piece and eat it. Good flavor, not as fruity as a red bhut or naga, but still good. Haven't tried a choco bhut yet, so can't compare the 2. Well, first piece not too hot at all. The piece I picked off was close to the blossom end and was about hab strength. Now, I am thinking as mean as this pepper is that can't be all, so I eat another piece. This time closer to the middle, next to the placenta. Whoa! There's the heat. Not as hot as the scorpion, but very bit as hot as the red nagas. Burned the back of my throat and lit my tongue on fire. Pretty intense.

Sorry, no video though. No camara. However, I do have another 4 ripening up right now if someone wants to do a video review. I know there are a few good reviewers on here that can describe it better than I can anyways, so first 3 people who are interested post here (so it is easy to see who the 3 are and when the quota is filled) and send a PM. They should be ready in a few days and I will send them out. The seeds in the pods are OP, but I will be isolating as many pods as possible to share pure seeds with later on. I may be a variation of the Choco Bhut, or it may be a different variety that looks similar, but either way, it is still a great pepper on a beautiful plant. It does have more spikes than the choco bhut does even though the shape is the same. I recommend growing it out.

Have a great day!
It's been a hour Day and no takers? This will be my first super hot and these look huge in the Picture. If I can eat a quarter of it, (lengthwise of course so I get a little bit of everything) I will do a video review. Let me know if that is acceptable.
