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Black Naga

Do black Nagas ripen to red? I have some seeds for next year, and all the references show"black" phase......
Black Naga is one of my best peppers this year. I have 5 plants. None of them has a red pod. I don't think they would even if I let them go longer.
Sorry, I didn't see the follow up. Here are some of the blackest:
Mine has buds and pod starts right now.From a couple different seed sources(CMPMAN/CHRIS is one).
I'll post pics when I find out what I get.
Those are fine lookin' pods....should be hittin the beach in 2 days, and I'll be test drivin' some of em.
Thanks again-
Pretty sure I have seeds for them lying around somewhere, although the picture on pepperlover's site looks a bit different from these... are they the same thing?

In any event, they're on next year's grow list...
I think the one I have is different from peperlover's. It has a different shape and definitely doesn't ripen red. It goes from green (regular green) to black. I grew 4 plants and they all did the same. I still have the biggest plant around with ripe pods, one of my best ever.
I got some Black Nagas from Pepper Lover... the only problem is I got the seeds mixed up with the habaneros and scotch bonnet ones I got from the store... but I think this may be the black naga... they look nothing like the habs and bonnets I have been growing.... other than having the general pepper shape

All my other plants at least had put out some pods by now but... my slower growing plant finally started putting out peppers and they are very pale green... when compared to all of the other peppers I have... most the other plants have pods that start close to the color of the leaves more or less.. but these new ones were very light in color... still greenish but very different from the rest... and kind of have a bulbous top where the stem attaches.

I have some pictures the shapes of some look kind of like PepperLover's black naga picture so I think this may be it.... but what had me kind of confused is why would they be so pale if it is going to turn dark... my others start hulk green or dark green and go orange or peach... but not these ones so far... they are still quite new pods so I can't tell yet...

if these aren't real immature Black Nagas... what do you think they are? (note.. the flash and fluorescent lights I had gave them more of a greenish and darker tinge than they actually look in person)





I think the one I have is different from peperlover's. It has a different shape and definately doesn't ripen red. It goes from green (regular green) to black. I grew 4 plants and they all did the same. I still have the biggest plant around with ripe pods, one of my best ever.