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Blackberries in sauce

FGpepperguy said:
My wife and I picked a huge bucket of blackberries today. Some will be for cobbler but most will be for sauce. Rick's sauces have blackberries and his recipes are amazing in sound and taste. Any other favorites out there!
I have made blackberry jalapeno jam before that turned out amazing, would also use it like a glaze when cooking chicken. I would like to do another but with a hotter fruiter pepper like a brain strain perhaps
Ingredients include chocolate bhutlah SM, black berries, red onion, black currant juice, tellicherry black peppercorns, black mulberry juice, vanilla bean and balsamic vinegar (Heat level 6 out of 10)

Rick's ingredients are amazing.... so amazing that they are above but I'll translate to what I know: chocolate bhutlah, blackberries, onion, another black berry from some mountain regions, eye of newt peppercorns, another god damn black looking berry from other arctic regions, vanilla, and acetic acid colored to match all the black looking berries in this recipe.

Well done Rick! I'll be ordering more soon and hope to get my sauces half as good as yours!