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spicy-products Blair's Death Rain Habanero Kettle Potato Chips

This is a REALLY old thread, but I did a search to see if anyone had ever posted a thread about the Blair's Death Rain Habanero Kettle Cooked chips. A neighborhood bulk food store just started carrying these and I'm sitting here eating these chips obsessively. I used to buy the Dorito Habanero chips, but these are...unbelieveable! It's as close to eating habaneros themselves as any chip could be.
I love them, got a couple of bags of different flavours. Too bad I have to order them online to get them. Can't find any blair products where I live.
They have a little sweet taste to them don't they?
the cajun ones didn't, guess that could be why they appear hotter.
I like the habanero and cheddar ones the most.
Yeah. What they said. A guy at work was just sharing them, and they're D good. Those Dorito Hab--are they kidding? Like BBQ Fritos. The darn taco/ranch ones are hotter. Now I've got to get some hab sauce from Taco Del Mar, a chain out west here. Another guy brought some in, and it's GREAT.
Uncle Big said:
First off, Blair's chips do kick ass. I love them, they're healthier than most kettle chips (as they have truly claimed). We sell a tonne of them at the store and right across Canada online (they're bitch to ship mind you).
You're getting your money's worth in my opinion. We sell them for $1.50 for the little 2 oz bag and $3.50 for the 5 oz bag and people pick up 5 or 10 bags at a shot.
7-11 sells them for the same price up here so we lose a little of the market to them, but I figure, screw 'em there's plenty of chip eaters in the world. We get lots of people from the neighborhood that pick them up Friday after work as an accompaniment to the odd wobbly pop or two.
I have to disagree with you slightly, they ARE hot, for the uninitiated that is. I always dare newbies to eat a 5 oz bag with no liquid refreshment and it usually makes them sweat (or moan in agony dependent on their spice tolerance). Products that are a dry application have a tendency to take away your saliva during eating which allows the seasoning powders to adhere to every nook and cranny in your pie hole so it can get nice and hot inside your mouth.
Blair makes one helluva good chip. Not too hot for me, or any other die hard chilihead, but extra spicy for the masses considering the other chips on the market. :hell:

I ate them side by side some of the vicki's jalapeno chips and the heat was about the same with the blairs winning marginally. Confirmed by my wife who is NOT a chili head. Both were pretty spicy for her, but to me there was not anywhere near sweat inducing heat :(

That said, I love both of those chips. Great crunch, great flavour.
azkitch said:
Yeah. What they said. A guy at work was just sharing them, and they're D good. Those Dorito Hab--are they kidding? Like BBQ Fritos. The darn taco/ranch ones are hotter. Now I've got to get some hab sauce from Taco Del Mar, a chain out west here. Another guy brought some in, and it's GREAT.

They added a hab sauce??? Finally, they listened to me!

I'll have to try them again. Today I need to go to A&W and get a teen burger because they are donating $1 per teen burger to the MS Society.
Uncle Big said:
First off, Blair's chips do kick ass...

Cool. I've ordered hot sauces through you guys some time ago. Good service and quick delivery.

Yes the Blair's Death Rain chips are hot for some. My mom thought they were BBQ chips and popped a big one in her mouth. She only got 3 chomps in before she realized how hot they were. She tried to spit it into a napkin, but a small bit of it got stuck under her dentures and continued to burn :mouthonfire:. I couldn't help but laugh at her misfortune. Although I guess that's what happens when you just grab something before you find out what it is.

Yep, we buy them at 7-11 although they don't carry many of them so it's kinda hit and miss for availability.

xgrafcorex, be sure to check around the store if you haven't already. The 7-11 that sells them here doesn't have them with the rest of the chips for some reason. They tend to hide them away in a different isle and only carry a few bags at a time.