• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Blisters LED Coco grow has reached it's inevitable end...

I've been away from the forum for some quite some time. Over the last 2.5 years I've been blessed with a son, have had to move to 2 different cities and transfer jobs twice. I really didn't have time or room to grow anything let alone focus on peppers. Now that I'm settled in and have a few extra $ on hand, I've been able to invest in a 180w UV Blackstar LED and have started growing in Coco.

Why coco? I've grown in soil before and had decent results. The problem was that my growing season is around 90 days. We don't get the heat or sun needed to grow super hots to their full potential. On top of this soil needs fairly large pots for the plants to really produce a large plant, but again we don't get the heat needed to let the pot dry out and stress the plant. I'd have great tasting peppers, but no heat.

I've done a bunch of reading (mostly the 420 sites) and it would appear that coco offers the ability to grow large plants in rather small pots. It offers a great root zone alternative that will allow you to develop massive roots. Once the root ball is fully developed, they fill the pot to the point that you can water every day (during growth), and every other day during fruiting. The ability to control the water/wilt schedule should allow the plant to stress out enough so that it produces nice hot peppers. We'll see how this works though.

Fertilizers I'm currently using are:

- CNS-17 Grow (stand alone)
- CNS-17 Bloom (stand alone)

General hydroponics (using a modified version of H3AD's mixture)

- Flora Micro
- Flora Bloom

Advanced Nutrients 
- Monkey Juice A
- Monkey Juice B


- Botannicare Cal-Mag+
- Botannicare Huvega (nothing more than expensive dissolved epsom salt)

Problems experienced so far:

I had a bunch of issues getting the seeds started. They'd start, die. Next set wouldn't start. Set after that started and provided me with enough seedlings to get going. 

Next problem. I started with Botannicare's CNS-17 grow. Everything started fine, seedlings were doing ok, but it wasn't too long in before I realized that I had a huge problem with my tap water. It's extremely hard. After a few weeks the leaves were going yellow and dropping. Especially when I added a small amount of Cal-Mag+. The problem drove me a little nuts and is why I have a 3 different ferts! I didn't know the water was the problem and tried a different brand. Oh well. I bought a TDS Meter and found that my tap water is a little over 500ppm. After I found this out, I switched to bottled water and noticed an immediate improvement.

 I'm only growing two types of peppers so far:
- Yellow Scotch Bonnet (bought from Stokes)
- Bhut Jolokia (two strains. One from a friend and one that was bought off e-bay by my in-laws).


Newly added pepper! Jamison was kind enough to provide me with MoA Bonnets! They arrived today (Dec 31, 2013).
miguelovic said:
Ahh the pleasure and joy of rotisserie : )

I know right! I had to buy another one because I lost the rod in one of my last two moves. Good thing they aren't expensive.

Slizarus said:
God, I want to cook that in a crockpot.. pulled pork with jerk sauce? Please.

It's not a bad idea. I recently did a jerk pork shoulder in the crock pot until it was a bit over 100f, then transferred it to the grill with a small smoke box to add flavor and create the bark. It turned out great. Tender as all get out.

juanitos said:
you're going to overwinter the pork?  ;)  send me some of that
Overwinter? Heck we barely have enough for sammies the next day ;).

Devv said:
Haven't tried jerk pork yet, but Jerk chicken was a winner!
Next on the menu!
I prefer jerk chicken over the pork, but the ol lady prefers jerk pork so that's what we do most often. Would love to try either in a smoker.

     Good to see you're getting some heat this year! Your plants look super healthy and your pods look even better. And that pic of the jerk pork just made my day!
Blister said:
I prefer jerk chicken over the pork, but the ol lady prefers jerk pork so that's what we do most often. Would love to try either in a smoker.

 I cook with wood and prefer the taste it imparts on the meats I cook. I'm lucky that I have a place where I can cut the Mesquite as I need it. I'm sure you have some types of wood up your way that would enhance a meal.
dash 2 said:
     Good to see you're getting some heat this year! Your plants look super healthy and your pods look even better. And that pic of the jerk pork just made my day!
Thanks dash2! The coco and hydro nutes have worked out so much better than I ever expected. The plants have put out more pods and have grown bigger than any of the 4 year old plants I had in soil throughout previous years. I still have a LOT to learn, but the coco experiment really has opened my eyes to the potential for getting the super hots to produce in my small northern part of the world. 
And the Jerk Chicken comments Scott made earlier has me marinading some chicken thighs in the leftover sauce as I type. Even got the wood chips soaking in prep for the small firebox I have that goes into the gas grill.
Devv said:
 I cook with wood and prefer the taste it imparts on the meats I cook. I'm lucky that I have a place where I can cut the Mesquite as I need it. I'm sure you have some types of wood up your way that would enhance a meal.

HAHAHA! Just kidding. I agree with you. I'd love to have a wood burning Q that could really bring out the extra flavours. Unless you're doing salmon with cedar or alder, there isn't much around here that's all that great for adding flavour. Other than those two, I have to rely on bags of wood chips that come from your area. Going to fire up the grill for some Jerk chicken in a few more minutes...
Forgot to mention that I've shared my peppers with a sadistic result. A coworker said her husband likes hot foods. Said she's seen him sweating away when eating the "hot peppers at subway" (jalapeños and banana) and wanted to see him try one of mine. I gave her a ripe jolokia plus some dried Jolokia powder on a Friday. Monday morning she came in with a look of horror on her face. Apparently he took a small bite, savored it for a bit, then threw up! I still chuckle about it. He said he likes hot food, but that was rediculous... Enlightenment at its finest.

Well, my season has reached it's inevitable end. I've had my plants inside for a couple of weeks now. The night temperatures are getting cold and I had contemplated overwintering a few. That is until I noticed that they were covered with aphids. Now all of the plants are outside and I'd be very surprised if any of the remaining green pods ripen. I did harvest the last of the ripe pods and have filled 5 trays of the dehydrator with halved pods. I also have a small ziplock filled with J-MoA's for the next time I want to do a Jerk rub.

I did manage to harvest some seed from all three varieties, Jolokia, Bonnet, and Red Scorpion. Unfortunately I wasn't able to isolate any of them so we'll see what pops up next year.

Final harvest:

I'm hoping that all the lessons learned this year will be able to contribute to a much more productive year in the upcoming season. Thanks for reading all and I look forward to an aphid free 2015!

It has been an amazing season. Thank you for taking the time to glog your adventure. I've learned a lot from your trials and errors, that I may give this a shot next season.

Look forward to your 2015 season.
Great glog, cool plants and nice harvie but im a little confused...what is this season end you speak of? :lol:

Excuse the indoor grower's sense of humor there couldn't resist...besides not long till you start the seed trays again right?
I've enjoyed your season Neil!
You're an inspiration to growers in the colder climates for sure.
I'm done with the dirt grow for the season and have just a few plants left.
Excellent grow Neil. Thank you for pointing it to me. If I do half as good as you did, with my grow this year, I'll be a happy farmer.