• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Blue Peppers


Filius Blue


Smiley Face Smile GIF by muuv

I'm going to be trying to grow a few of these to crossbreed them with my peppers
I'm trying to breed them.
To give my peppers bigger fruit
and different color combinations

This will be my

First time growing
Blue Colored peppers.

Thanks for joining
Let me know if
you are interested in trying some of
These seeds......

I have plenty to share.
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I was wondering, who decides now when a Capsicum species will be publicly available? Aren't there international rules (e.g. 1993's convention on biological diversity)?
Anyone I guess? Not sure if it is illegal to go pick a couple berries logally and then start to grow more and then after the first year or two start to share seeds..

Edit. Maybe ask the local ruler for permission.
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There are commonly state/country laws against collecting and removing natural fauna including berries and seeds. Once removed, there are international laws, like CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora), that may be applicable outside the country of origin if the plant is designated as threatened, endangered, etc. I suspect this combination has the effect of slowing/quieting trade in more newly discovered varieties, even once they've been removed from the source country.
I suspect this combination has the effect of slowing/quieting trade in more newly discovered varieties, even once they've been removed from the source country
Thanks CD. I agree, and I think that recently discovered species, especially in the Amazon, are probably uncommon, if not threatened
It is time to pick the Filius
Blue Peppers

Ooops they're...



have ripened to red.

They are not that hot and have a vegetable taste. Many seeds, that I will be growing, to see if they got cross-pollination of some kind.馃槈

I will be growing a few more of these peppers and posting more Phenotypes, in the future. I recommend these for a container garden or BALCONY
They are very pretty plants when they are fruiting and flowering. The whole grow, the closest thing to Blue color that I noticed, would be indigo.
Or on the anthers a slightly lighter blue.
Let's look







Thanks for looking and sharing.
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Unless it was pollinated by another variety, you shouldn't see significant variations in subsequent generations as it has probably been stable for some time already. When I grew it, the fruits started purple before ripening to a dark orange/reddish color as show on this photo from Vertiloom:
Thanks, I think these seeds will be the same

These were grown by a friend and the one with greener leaves still have same looking peppers.

I did introduce pollen in the beginning when I was trying to get it to hold fruits.
I want them to be a little longer. I'm going to continue to try to get them to cross pollinate.
I'm excited for the next round and to continue working with them.
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Mine looked like the darker ones (great looking shrubs馃憣). Good luck with your project!