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smoking Blues, Booze & BBQ

Simple and lazy but hey it still tastes great when your drinking.









Overdone but yum

And My Favourite Australian Blues Artist C.W. Stoneking

April, you get the tiniest of boooo's for grilling rather than bbq but.....you get a big fat Hot Blue and Righteous for that gorgeous looking spread of foody loveliness! I especially like the twist on the slaw with the peas and I have a serious jones for 'dat snausage. Save me some!
Oooh controversy as April and I are from Queensland we are hot plate BBQ fans, except for large steaks or other large meat then grill is the choice.
Oooh controversy as April and I are from Queensland we are hot plate BBQ fans, except for large steaks or other large meat then grill is the choice.

There seems to be some merit as per the Aussie definition according to wikipedia.


For us yanks the differences between bbq and grilling are that 'que is cooked low and slow, most often over indirect heat. Grilling is hot and fast over direct. The term barbeque has evolved to become a noun describing any generic outdoor heating apparatus used for the purposes of cooking, or so it seems. Americans are fussy as to the true meaning of the term and Texans even more so. For us the only real bbq is low and slow. Californian's on the other hand would dispute that definition. In other states, particularly Mississippi, Georgia, Tennessee and The Carolina's, should someone to claim that they are barbequeing over direct fire...well then...that just might result in a rather heated argument or even an ass whoopin'! That being said, we shall accept the Aussie use of the term! Now get to posting more of that stuff pronto!
During the month (2003) I spent downunder in Victoria (Dargo, Snowy River country) on a fire assignment I was surprised to see that BBQ was on a flat top, but it still was so good, just different for us Yanks.
WOW That Wiki page was cool, I had no idea how many variations and styles there are, I have to say one day I would love to try the Texas style and the Braai style too.

@logchief Yes I usually like to pour a load of salt over it and then a whole stubby to get a good flavour on the hot plate. I am no good at kitchen cooking (getting better) but I know me Barbies.

I will have to put one up on show here as well.
Nothin' beats Texas style (of course!), but April looks like one mean cook in the kitchen - whip that food up! She'd make a good Texan!
Wow - that's a real product, huh. The Stubby Glove. And people actually wear them. Huh. :eek:

I'm envisioning going to some sort of ball game with a stadium full of people wearing Stubby Gloves, and all of them drinking beer in tandem. Could be kind of distracting to the players on the field, to be down there and see everyone in the stands doing that. UP go the Stubby Gloves.... DOWN go the Stubby Gloves.....UP.....DOWN.....