• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bodeen's 2012 Grow Log - THE END!!!!!

Anxious to get dirt under my nails, so I might as well start this thing off.

Got an unfinished basement that is mainly storage. It has an old 1957 bathroom in it. I tore that out today and will be using that as my grow room as soon as I get it done. It is small enough a small heater will keep my temps in check. (Pictures of progress will come once I get it looking better lol)

Last year I built a grow table and this year I am putting up a shelving unit with grow lights on many of the shelves.

My one garden area that will be expanded on this year I believe. 40x30


My other garden which is longer, but not as wide.


Then I put this row in last year and my thoughts we strawberries, but it might be a row of peppers.




My motto is Rabbit eats garden, Gardener eats rabbit. They are the reason I have to fence the gardens

I also plan on doing some peppers in pots this year.

My tray of peppers last year went 71 out of 72 popped. Hope I can get these results this year.
I had the same trouble on my bajio and my poblano pods. Seeing some bad spots here and there on some of the bigger pods.

I don't think the Thai are all that hot. I put one pepper in each of my omelets the other night and they were awesome. Put 8 in a gallon of salsa I made and it was pretty good at that level. They are suppose to range one to two times the heat of a cayenne, but I don't think they do. Unless it is their small size that makes me think that.
Thought I'd start off with the money shot since I am sure I will overshoot my ten pic quota while on break from pepper processing.


Tonight's dinner. Walleye with lemon drop powder in the bread crumbs. It was good but needs more powder. Going to take some doing, but I will get the recipe right.


As pretty as a Christmas Tree


I called this one, The Angry Man


Paper Lantern and Lemon Drops


Billy Biker, Goliath, and Jalapeno peppers. I did pick some red purple jalapeno pepper pods for seeds only.


Cherry and Big Bombs, Cajun Bell, Jamaican Yellows, Red Savina, Bulgarian Carrot, Biggie Chilie, and Santa Fe Pods


Red, White, and Orange Habanero pods. Fish, Serrano, and Bishop's Hats. Bishop's are the eaten pods at the front of the table on the money shot. They are so tasty.


Thick cayenne, slender cayenne, orange cayenne, yellow cayenne, chocolate cayenne, starfish, and some kind of tepin.


Supers are slowing down a bit I think.

I am tired after this day. Dehydrator is full and all the ones I want to freeze from this harvest are done.

Biggie Chile cut up for the freezer. Excellent omelet pepper.


My friend at work said these Bulgarian Carrots had a nice flavor, so I picked a batch for the freezer to give them another shot at making a return to the garden.


Smaller than normal Cherry bomb harvest. Great in Salads, but these will hit the freezer for stir fry and quesadillas.


Hard to believe these pack the punch they do. Not sure what to flavor up with these.


Lanterns going into dehydrator.


Santa Fe Grande hitting the freezer. Stir fry here they come.


Got some of these dried in a jar on stove already. Gotta put a few more of these red things up.


Lemon Drops heading in to be dried.


I am ready to Thai one on tonight!!!!


And the rest to be dried. Was going to split them all, but just taking the tops off my knife hand was asleep and permanently formed around the knife.


Tomorrow shouldn't be as busy as today was.

Oh yeah.....next year ONE Thai plant!!!!!
excellent comparison pics. too see how some are doing better and some are not producing as much as they were. very nice update

processing pics are also great.. showing how to handle so many pods at one time. thanks. gives me ideas
That's what I have too! Does yours have 9 trays? I think some models have a timer on them, but mine just has a thermostat. My problem is I usually only have enough pods to fill 2 or 3 trays at a time. I need to get a load going this afternoon too, but I haven't even made it to the garden yet.

Another unbelievable harvest! You got this pepper growing thing down!!!
It is the 9 tray version,

Dinner tonight was wild turkey breast fried with lemon drop powder and jalapeno poppers stuffed with pork and garlic and wrapped in bacon.


Most of my friend list on facebook is from playing MW back in the day. I quit that and since timeline came out, I basically quit it all together. After picking all those peppers this weekend I posted that if anyone locally wanted some peppers give me a call and we set it up. A guy from Alabama said he'd take all I would send lol. I told him pay for the postage and I will ship him a box. He did, and I am.

Sent pretty much every ripe superhot I have plus a large varieties of others.


Picked some Bishop's hat peppers and I have been munching on them for a few days now. Two of them had absolutely no heat to them today and one was really hot (according to a coworker lol).

I didn't pay attention to which pods came from which plant. Is it possible one plant doesn't have any heat at all?
Got my first really ripe poblano peppers today. Just need to figure out how I want to use them.


Inside of a ripe purple jalapeno. Let these ripen up to harvest the seeds. Picture doesn't do these pods justice. Gorgeous inside.
