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little bit of caraway goes a long way, and this batch of hootch sounds interesting. n Good thing it's doesn't have to "age" for a while...;)

When I'm back home and feeling better, I might hit your up for the recipe................
I agree patrick!

The caraway seeds are kinda throwing me, but I could roll with 'em! :)

No caraway seeds in our recipe(:

And you can make diff flavors! Apple, blueberry, cherry etc(:

That looks pretty cool. Found this on wiki.

The traditional Lithuanian name is "Krupnickas."[sup][1][/sup]
Characteristically boilo has a standard recipe including oranges, lemons, nutmeg, cloves, caraway seed, honey, ginger ale, and anise seed. The traditional base ingredient in Boilo is moonshine but most receipes have replaced home-brewed moonshine with blended whiskey; the most common being Four Queens 100 proof blended whiskey.

I like all of the ingredients so what's not to like?

If I'm correct, I believe krupnick is similar, except made with vodka instead of whiskey. Also four queens is def where its at but any ridiculously cheap blended whiskey will do! The cheaper the better!!!
It sounds like what my mom would give me when I was a kid and had a cold, but she always used brandy. It sounds good. I could even dig on the caraway/anise. Maybe some ground fennel seed...

A "double double" batch
Took Randi a little longer to get the pot (stock pot-get your mind out of the gutter ;) ) than expected. Just getting to the simmering stage.


Curious if anyone has tried their hand at a batch since we last posted?