Brain Strain Sauce 10+/10 heat scale

TCH that was my goal this year to have a straight Douglah sauce but had to mix peppers again to have enough for a big sauce batch, weather was just too hot mid-summer and my production was down, maybe next year. Next batch will be back to normal no extract, just wanted something scorching HOT out first. Thanks for all the comments, helps me see where the market is really at. :think:
Well this is getting good as you have no desire even try my sauce but continue to post derogatory stuff toward me and my sauce. This is the classified section and this is my sauce so you do not make up any of the rules here Sean. I priced my sauce fairly and it reflects a lot of time and effort on my part so until do, STFU. :mouthonfire:

I have been watching this transpire pretty much the entire day, I doubt that I was the only one doing so. I am friends with both you and Sean and am not trying to jump in and play ref or get involved however being a public forum everybody has their two cents and gets to put theirs in. I saw what to me was an offensive hot sauce label not to long ago and thought to myself I would not try the sauce because of the label. So my two cent is this, your going to have people that do not like the way you do business, competitors talking your sauce down and unhappy customers at some point. If there is anything I have noticed about places that do well it is people posting positive threads about the customer service and public relations (more specifically places that I tend to place orders with). If I didnt know you and went thru this thread and saw things like "freeloaders" and "STFU" coming from the manufacture it would really put me off to trying the sauce. I think you have to spend money to make money and cant really expect profits from your first small batch run I think merely breaking even would be a success and hope the name gets out there and generates positive results, repeated business and than an income.
I hate to admit it but I'm afraid of the first batch with the extract. Not the taste, you said you can't taste it and that's good enough for me. I just can't do extracts, they tear me up wicked bad.

Now that you said the next batch will be sans the extract may I please put in a reservation for a bottle?

lazienfat I'm curious as to why you consider the label offensive?

I've always considered it rather rude to question what a person wants to sell something they made themselves for. If you want a bottle buy it, if you don't then don't. Leave the bitching out of the public forums please.
lazienfat I'm curious as to why you consider the label offensive?

I do not find his label offensive at all, it was a different company I was talking about. I think its awesome that you've got your own hot sauce Cappy hope it all goes well for you.
Yes Chris used a friends restaurant kitchen after they stopped serving food Saturday night to cook and bottle, the fermetation was still done at my house and my kids helped with the shrink bands and labels. I have put a lot of work in to this and to have somebody try to ruin it for you is very discouraging. Thank you for your support.
Cappy, I wish you luck on your Brain Strain sauce sales. I want to order some, but the extract thing has me a little concerned. The whole Brain Strain pod thing has intrigued me since I discovered this site, and I bought some seeds from you (again, thanks). As for your price on the bottles and shipping, I think you have the right to charge whatever you think is fair. THANK GOD YOU STILL HAVE THAT RIGHT. It is your choice to charge what you think the market will bear. There are so many choices we all have when it comes to what sauce or pod or powder we want, it is mind boggling. If anybody thinks your sauce is too expensive, they have thousands of other sauces they can choose from. I have a feeling plenty of people will think it is very much worth it. I appreciate when someone has put their heart and soul into their passion and wants to pass it on to others. Who gives a crap what it costs. This is your baby, and if you think the next batch is worth $100 a bottle, go for it. The market will let you know. Thanks for sharing your passion.
Cappy, I wish you luck on your Brain Strain sauce sales. I want to order some, but the extract thing has me a little concerned. The whole Brain Strain pod thing has intrigued me since I discovered this site, and I bought some seeds from you (again, thanks). As for your price on the bottles and shipping, I think you have the right to charge whatever you think is fair. THANK GOD YOU STILL HAVE THAT RIGHT. It is your choice to charge what you think the market will bear. There are so many choices we all have when it comes to what sauce or pod or powder we want, it is mind boggling. If anybody thinks your sauce is too expensive, they have thousands of other sauces they can choose from. I have a feeling plenty of people will think it is very much worth it. I appreciate when someone has put their heart and soul into their passion and wants to pass it on to others. Who gives a crap what it costs. This is your baby, and if you think the next batch is worth $100 a bottle, go for it. The market will let you know. Thanks for sharing your passion.

Thanks guys, I needed that today more than you know. Did you get a chance to sample any of my extract at the NW chilehead party, sent a small smaple but did not hear of any takers. :onfire:

Extract sauces are not my favorite thing either I admit, but many sauces have some natural pepper flavoring which is the same thing. The trick is not to get carried away with this stuff and use only in moderation. :mouthonfire:
You are going to think my answer is wierd. I was so scared of this stuff because of some of the horror stories about extracts on this site. Twice, I dipped a toothpick in the bottle and tried it, but did not taste or feel anything. We had alot of superhots that day and many of us had quite a buzz going on. I could not figure out why no heat and was too scared to try it till it bit me. I'm sure it is supremely hot and I am in no way claiming otherwise. Maybe I was just in a state of numbness from your and SS's chile pods.:mouthonfire:
Thanks guys, I needed that today more than you know. Did you get a chance to sample any of my extract at the NW chilehead party, sent a small smaple but did not hear of any takers. :onfire:

Extract sauces are not my favorite thing either I admit, but many sauces have some natural pepper flavoring which is the same thing. The trick is not to get carried away with this stuff and use only in moderation. :mouthonfire:
I love how you added the disclaimer/release to your post :rofl: Can`t be too careful :eek:

I like the label and the name! Brainstrain is classic :dance:
As much as I loved things like Defcon's extract sauces, I still love a purely pepper-y sauce a lot more. Extracts just make my throat sore the day after.

But yeah, nice label Cappy. Definitely one of the best ones I've seen around.
I know most people love the taste of Bourbon, but not me...I'm the exception. I was looking forward to the brain strain mash. I'm guessing the mash allows more of the taste of the peppers to come through. Sounds like a pretty good product...should sell well.