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Bring on spring!

:shocked:I think I'll be shoveling/snowblowing all day again today. Good thing its a weekend but sadly my back is nearly shot.:(
For you non thermally challenged people, here's a few pics of the crazy snow we just got, and only a week or so till Spring.:rolleyes:

Here's my car, can you tell what model? lol

Here's my lil' igloo

And the big igloo.
Happy spring(or fall for the unfortunate)
Its starting to feel like spring here finally.:) There's lots of slush and the maple syrup is flowing but still a little cold for the greenhouse, maybe next week. I'm pretty sure we'll be in for a lot of flooding if it warms up too quickly so I really don't know what to hope for except no more snow.
I might tap a few trees this year but my neighbor is a large producer(I can here the pumps running lately) and my township is full of operations so I usually get enough for free without making a mess. If I make my own I think I'll add some fatalii or maybe some maple smoked habs and see how that lights up my flap-jacks.
Dang you have nice property Potawie! Simply beautiful with the trees and deer. Of course I'm sure the late snow is more then annoying though :)

Maple smoked habs sound delicious!!!
It's meant to snow in England this weekend but nothing like what you get. It's only raining at the moment but I need warming up, I hate the cold. I'm living in the wrong country :(
Pepp3rFreak said:
Dang you have nice property Potawie! Simply beautiful with the trees and deer. Of course I'm sure the late snow is more then annoying though :)

Maple smoked habs sound delicious!!!

It looks beautiful with the snow but as soon as it melts I'll find the mess I left in the fall as well as 4 months of dog turds.:(
Out here in San Diego, it has been cool at night (high 40's, low 50's) but I went ahead and put a bunch of stuff in the ground a few weeks ago.

It's high 60's, low 70's during the day with plenty of sun after the marine layer burns off around 10 or 11am.

I have a selection of herbs (basil, thyme, cilantro, parsley, oregano, savory and tarragon) planted as well as a few varieties of tomatoes and serrano, jalapeno, green bell, yellow bell, habanero, cayenne and poblano in both pots and in the ground.

My chives finally sprouted indoors yesterday.

This weekend I'll probably be starting a few more pepper seeds I just received as well as putting some lettuce, onions and a few more things in the ground.

Most of the stuff is just surviving, not really taking off because of the cooler soil temperatures but they'll be going like gangbusters here shortly.

Sometimes I really love living in Southeren California :D
Looking at another 3-6" of snow tonight thru tomorrow. Still have temps in the low 40s F as highs. Good grief, it's the 20th of March already. At least we get warm enough to melt some of it off during the day. Soon though, soon.
imaguitargod said:
Is it just me or has everyone that was not posting for a while is posting now again. Paul! Long to no C!

It's spring, they're thawing out and putting out new growth.