Bring on spring!

It was over 30C in my greenhouse at lunch time. Gotta get some snow in my beer-cooler and grab a lawn-chair and a radio.:cool:
C'mon Spring

Spring fever has really hit but we're due to get 2-6 inches of wet heavy snow tonight. Gotta love Minnesota!!!

The seedlings are growing like crazy and we'll run out of room soon to transfer them to 9oz cups. Time to get out the shelves for them. This is our first year with seeds, we just stuck plants in the ground last year that we'd bought. Everything's growing so fast, I can't wait until June to get them outside.

I see the pics of so many great peppers, waiting for ours to look like that instead of barely sprouting.
We weathered the freeze here Monday night beautifully, and I'm keeping my fingers crossed that that's our last one for the season.
i didn't shovel my driveway and when i got back from class it was all melted :D
it was supposed to be freezing rain here on friday but now the forecast has changed to 'a few flurries'

pam- flat stanley got here yesterday! i took a picture with my snowbank already (while it was snowing) but all the old snow sculptures were already ruined but then i saw a ten foot snowman on the way to school and i thought i'd grab flat stanley when i got back but on my way home his head had already fallen off (i thought that might warp the kid...) :( oh well, i'll still hit the lift locks this weekend.