Brito's Pepper 2008 plantation

What all are you growing Brito ?
Thank you so much for all,

The species that I have started this year are:
1- Big Mexico ( from Joe's pepper)
2- Gold habanero
3- Orange habanero
4- Red rocoto (from Peru)
5- Naga morich
6- Fluoreseent
7- Aji White Wax
8- Chinese mult color
9- Hahong Uacho
10- Inca red drop
11- cumarí Goiana (Brazilian)
12- Coração de galinha( heart of chicken, Brazilian)
13- Fatalli
14- thasmania Habanero.
and also I have some in chamomile tea to acelerate the germination it is from Thailandia and in addition I'm waiting a shipiment from the USA which I have bought from Beth.
Nice list Brito...
Thank you Jack,

I'm hopping to have a good plantation this year, because last year I had some problem and then the harvest wasnt so good.
Have you grown the Aji white wax before? I have seeds but that's one variety I haven't decided whether to grow or not this year.
Have you grown the Aji white wax before? I have seeds but that's one variety I haven't decided whether to grow or not this year.

Potawie, no, I didnt have grown this specie before it a gift of a friend from Sweeden then it will be my first time growing that.
I suggest you planting all you have because it is not so difficult to get more seeds.
Brito, Very nice pictures of pods you have there. What kind of pepper is the black one? very interesting looking. i am guessing from your pics that your new method with fenolic foam and organic soil has done very good for you?


That black one is Pimenta da Neyde ( C.baccatum ) very taste.
Unfortunately, I did not have luck with fenolic foan but luck with organic soil prepared by myself.
I'm going to put more pics in my album from last harvest;)
I sow your album, it is amazing, you have a great place to plant many things.
What is your business, peppers in nature, sauces, fruits or just a hobby ?
Nice to see you on here Brito. We run into each other everywhere. Maybe that's because I'm on every forum worldwide. lol. :) Great grow out list too!

cmpman1974 said:
Nice to see you on here Brito. We run into each other everywhere. Maybe that's because I'm on every forum worldwide. lol. :) Great grow out list too!

Hi Chris, I'm happy to be among so many good chilliheads as you are and certainly we will be in touch on other forum because I'm like you are so, it is not difficult for us to meet worldwide, that will be my pleasure.
hope you have already gotten some pods from that murupí seeds I sent to you recently.
Gary, Dale and Vladan

Gary and Dale,
I have already sent the seeds you have asked please, confirm here when you guys recieved then, hoping it would has no problem with the custums:lol:
Vladan, I got your address soon I will be sending to you:hell: