Bubblegum and choc morouga

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They look great !!! So does your truck also. That's alot of babies to tend to. I thought 14 would be tuff on me..lol. Anyway best of a grow this season.
Am I the only one that didn't understand the first post hence the second post makes no sense and then this thread spun wildly down confusion lane before stopping suddenly at WTH are you all talking about???!
I have never sold a seed to anyone the chocolate moruga and bubblegum seeds that came straight from hixs have never let my home and are planted in my GROW room at this time.

Richard Hickey (hixs) looked at my GROW list on facebook and did not read the title "Slade, Demon Pepper Slayer's 2013 grow list" and assumed it was my TRADE list and accused me of trading the seeds he gave me witch is a all out lie.

here is my 2013 grow list and my trade list posted below. (Now because of this Drama Richard started i will no longer trade,give away and seeds that i have to anyone no matter what the reason.)

Slade, Demon Pepper Slayer's 2013 grow list

My seed trade list

As anyone can see the chocolate moruga and bubble gum seeds are on my GROW list and not on my TRADE list and they never where.

I bougght a mixed box of peppers from a well known grower on THP and it had some Chocolate Moruga hixs pods in that box. This was long before i knew who Richard Hickey (hixs) was and i did give some of those seeds away to a couple people but like i said i did not know who richard was and was never told not to share them.
If you are in possession of seeds, you can share those seeds at your discretion unless bound by a contract or non disclosure agreement to not share those seeds. The provider can request that you do not share the seeds but since that did not occur, then you are free to do as you wish. I hope you change your mind about sharing seeds as that is how newbies get their grow varieties from but in the end if you are no guilty of anything then this thread should be closed and your reputation should be slandered no more.
I have stated the facts AND shown the proof. Richard has slandered me on facebook and now THP. I told Richard that i would NOT share in any way the seeds he gave me and i have held my promise to him.

I held a contest on Facebook giving away 500 seeds 50 different types that i have collected over the last year from doing my video reviews. i WAS in the process of doing the same contest here on THP but since i can be accused of wrong doing with out proof of that wrong doing i decided not to hold a contest on THP.

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