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fermenting Buddy's Ferments - 2016 Season Has Started

Here they are . . . not sure how they will end up, but it looks like they are all off to a good start:






Yea cool.  I think my mistake has been to put the brine in first to cover the pepper mash, then I try and build the cabbage ceiling.  Perhaps doing it the other way around will be easier and more effective.
Yeah, my guess is #9 overflowed because of the raspberries. For some reason, they're fizzers.
I flavored a hard cider with raspberries one time; the bubbler almost couldn't keep up! Somebeach went crazy!
Anyway, lookin good buddy. Keep us posted.
Sorry Buddy.... I realized somewhat later, that I was remiss in my remarks for not bidding you a fond and very much deserved membership in the THP fermenting family....where if it's organic, just throw it in a jar with a little salt(and of course hot peppers)...cover for a  few weeks..and enjoy!!
Welcome aboard....!!
Chili Monsta said:
Sorry Buddy.... I realized somewhat later, that I was remiss in my remarks for not bidding you a fond and very much deserved membership in the THP fermenting family....where if it's organic, just throw it in a jar with a little salt(and of course hot peppers)...cover for a  few weeks..and enjoy!!
Welcome aboard....!!
Thanks . . . couldn't have done it without the help from the THP forum!  I appreciate all of the guidance and time that you've provided.  BTW . . . my woozys showed up today and I processing #3 as we speak.