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pests Bugs..

Hey guys,

I'm back to annoy you all once again.. we've finally got a nice sunny day outside after the rain, so I went out to check how everything is going.. found some caterpillars on a few leaves and these little egg/bug thingos there... there seems to be quite a few of them.

I usually use pyrethrum spray but after the rain that'd be all gone.. out of the spray so I was going to mix up some dishwashing detergent with some water and give them a spray.. a few questions though..

Do you think this will kill anything thats already there or will it only deter new visitors?

I want to keep the plants in the sun as they need it (and need some drying out) so should I wait till this afternoon before giving them a spray or just do it now? I think the little things in the picture are caterpillar eggs and they seem to be hatching so not sure what'd cause more damage.. the bugs or the spray in the sun?

As always, any suggestions greatly appreciated... here's a pic of one of the leaves I took..

Aphids! Kill them sharp like Mel. Git yer butt to the nursery and buy some NEEM oil.
Be sure to spray the under sides of the leaves too. You could also use this as an opportunity to mix some seasol, epsom salts and fish fert into the mix.
What are you doing still sitting there? Move it!!

BTW your pods are on their way :D Have funnnnnnnn
destroy with extreme prejudice!!! Aphids.....eeeeeeeekkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Killllllll Them! And quick!!!!! Those are Aphids and will devoure your whole crop in a matter of days.
I'd only use Neem if your trying to stay away from the real pesticides, if not get the full strength Napalm and bomb them buggers!

Pronto now, you've no time to waste!
I recommend using Sevin on them or maybe a low yield 1 kiloton nuclear device. A little collateral damage may be involved though.
Mel...in all seriouness...you need to do something...like inspect each and every plants leaf...with time you will learn to know the tell tell signs of aphids...

one bonifide and sure way is the leaf/leaves below the leaf that is infected will have a shiny residue on it that is usually sticky...that is the "honeydew" the aphids produce...

believe it or not, ants herd aphids like we humans herd cattle...ants will carry aphids to the plant and set up shop for them then the ants collect the honeydew...
:gigglin' here out loud:

Mrs AJ just asked what was so funny...I told her she just wouldn't understand....
They call me..... the bug killer!

I've just gone crazy on the plants with spray.... I got some Neem stuff but havent used that yet.. and also some more pyrethrum... http://www.multicrop.com.au/pest.htm#Pyrethrum%20Long%20Life%20Insect%20Spray

I've given em a whack with the pyrethrum and will do the Neem stuff later this afternoon.. I've done all the plants including the seedlings in the junk pot, but not sure if I should do the other seedlings as I dont want to kill them... but i dont want the aphids to kill them either!

I picked up some seasol and will give them a feed tonight..

Thanks for all of your help - the lesson on ant-cows was very informative :P
Pepperfreak said:
I'd only use Neem if your trying to stay away from the real pesticides, if not get the full strength Napalm and bomb them buggers!

Pronto now, you've no time to waste!

texas blues said:
I recommend using Sevin on them or maybe a low yield 1 kiloton nuclear device. A little collateral damage may be involved though.

I've had no luck with using anything other than pesticides to control these little buggers. I say control because they are in our environment. They will be back at some time. I've been batting them since I brought my plants in from last year. I spray the plants with the kitchen sink sprayer on a weekly basis. I have the water up high enough to knock leaves off the plants. Still they come back. I've even used the 'home remidies' and have witnessed my plants getting 'rusty' because they are being hit with a solution so often. The only reason I haven't used Sevin just yet is because they are in the house and I don't want to use pesticides until they are outside. Unfortunately they won't be going outdoors for a few more months :(
ZanderSpice said:
I use ladybugs. I release them two or three times over the season and they work better than the sprays.

hmmmmm... that sounds like a plan... off to hunt down some ladybugs :D
Just so you know Mel seasol isn't actually a food for the plants. It is a great soil conditioner that support all the beneficial bacteria and organisms in ya dirt. The plants do seem to like being sprayed with it though.