• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Bumface's First Grow & Glog

Hi all,

I mainly signed up to this site for growing advice and assistance, but obviously was pleasantly surprised to see so many cooking and sauce recipes :)

So, here I go...

This is not strictly my first glog, as I own a pair of traditional dutch shoes crafted out of a single piece of wood. I hope that counts.

I got two (non-specific) green chili plants off a friend around mid summer 2011, and didn't buy any chillies for the rest of the year. I tried to over-winter them both, but one died. Here is the one I call, 'The Veteran':


I like to tie him down to see if he'll produce more chillies and become more lateral and bushy instead of growing up:


This guy inspired me. So on the 6th January,I started off with some seeds a friend gave me. The descriptions are vague as ever - he tells me some are 'carribean', some 'ornamental' and the rest are cayennes. I fired up the heat mat, hung up my old 125w CFL and dropped 40 seeds into compost.

24 germinated and after a few fatalities, and a few given away to friends, I am currently left with:

- 6no. 'ornamental' type
- 6no. cayennes
- 6no. 'carribean' type


I do quite like the saying "All or Nothing.." and in this instance, I went for all. Now I can't say that the first types were that challenging, and getting slightly bored of waiting for them to grow, I ordered some rather more exotic strains:


I germinated 5 of each of these strains... erm.... it was sometime around the end of January. Germination rates varied, although by this time I was starting to notice hot-spots on the heat mat, and that certain areas seemed to allow the plants to do better. Only 1 lemon drop germinated, which was disappointing.


I also carved up a birdseye chili, and dried the seeds:


These have germinated amazingly well, and all look surprisingly healthy given I bought the original chili in a well-known shopping store.

I arrived back from my university today and as I am away for up to 4 days at a time (sometimes), I rely on my sister to water my plants for me. If you are faint of heart or squeamish, please, look away now:


My sister forgot to water them, by the way. Anyway, I suppose on the bright side, killing off all but one of each strain (rather luckily!) keeps me with the strongest plant of each variety. Nearly all of these need potting up, which I will do now. Am also going to rearrange my grow area, so will crack on, and keep you updated.

If anyone has any observations, ideas or words of wisdom, I would appreciate any and/or all of them! :) I also have a few questions, but I figure it's rude to ask in my first post.. lol ;)
I would say when you pot them up plant them extra deep.The stalks that is. They look a bit leggy . Need more light!
Good luck

Welcome to THP man.

+1 on Romys comment as well.
Normally I'm a big fan of nice long legs, not with my plants tho :)
Anyway, ask away, 1st post or not we like to help each other out around here!

Other than that my only advice would be.. don't let someone else take care of your plants! I've seen way to many horror stories to ever let someone else watch mine lol. looks like you have no choice though.. maybe a frequent text/call to remind her next time your out for a couple days would be a good idea

Good luck!

+1 For Romys comment! Good luck with your grow! As for the veteran I'd pot that baby up! unless you are trying to keep the plant on the rather small size :)
Thanks for the replies everyone.

I would say when you pot them up plant them extra deep.The stalks that is. They look a bit leggy . Need more light!
Good luck


Cheers dude, I was thinking 125w would be ok til they can start getting outside in April/May, but perhaps not. The stretch seems to be worse in some strains than others. Am gonna move the light closer and put a small oscillating fan to blow in between the bulb and the top of the "canopy". I have a 400w HPS too... the heat of that thing is immense, but you think it would be overkill?

Welcome to THP man.

+1 on Romys comment as well.
Normally I'm a big fan of nice long legs, not with my plants tho :)
Anyway, ask away, 1st post or not we like to help each other out around here!

Other than that my only advice would be.. don't let someone else take care of your plants! I've seen way to many horror stories to ever let someone else watch mine lol. looks like you have no choice though.. maybe a frequent text/call to remind her next time your out for a couple days would be a good idea

Good luck!


Thanks, man. Yeh, I always shudder at the thought of letting her loose on them. She used to have a cactus, but it died. Nuff said.. :rofl: I have a multitude of questions, but will use the search option to my best ability, and then tot up everything I can't find info on.

+1 For Romys comment! Good luck with your grow! As for the veteran I'd pot that baby up! unless you are trying to keep the plant on the rather small size :)

Cheers, yes I had kinda forgotten about the Vet.. will pot him up today :) I had the idea of keeping him as a bonsai at some point, but maybe i'll try and overwinter him again this year first.

First of all, disinherit your sister, or offer to take care of her pets one week.

I'm trying to think when the last time we had an argument was, and whether it's fresh enough in her mind to have done it as revenge; but I can't remember.

So I potted up as many as I could. I'm actually 14 pots short, so some birdseyes are just chillin in the little green starters still.



Quite excited about how forgiving these have been so far.

I potted up the vet, too:


That is the same pot he was in all summer last year. Any opinions on the size of this pot? Don't think he had time to root out last year before he started spitting flowers out.

So in total I have 58 plants:

1 x Lemon Drop (LD)
1 x Zimbabwe Bird Pepper (ZBP)
1 x Green Chili plant (the veteran) (GC)
1 x Masquerade F1 (MF1)
2 x Scotch Bonnet Red (SBR)
4 x Rouge De La Bresse (RDLB)
4 x Habanero (HAB)
4 x Roccotillo (ROCC)
5 x Tri-Colour Variegatta (TCV)
5 x Ornamental/Patio (PAT)
5 x Carribean (CAR)
5 x Cayenne (CAY)
21 x Birdseye (BE)

Not a bad little lot. It's a shame so many of the ones I actually paid for didn't make it for one reason or another.

Here's an overview. I like to write a little plan up so that I don't have to check the side of the pots to find out which is which. Hoping I'll learn to recognise them by their characteristics soon enough :)



Thanks again for the good luck wishes! - Plain sailing from here on in, guys...! You know it! ;)
Sup everyone.. has been a little while, but time for an update. I have put the tragedy of last month behind me, and sacked my sister and interim chilli waterer. 2 weeksago I bought a little cold-frame to put the chillies in the garden to begin the hardening off process. The weather here is starting to pick up :D

I also tied down the veteran to attempt to bush him out a bit. See what you think. Before:




After (been tied down in the same position for about a month now:


The rest of the gang enjoying the spring sunshine. There are 59 in total:




Your plants are looking great, bum - you look like you have it all under control : )
The seedlings look great, recovering nicely, I see. I like the tie down treatment
on the big plant should make a really impressive bush. Good luck going into
summer - I like your garden space.
Mezo, I was wondering about that too... pots seem to take a while to dry out - which obviously is not good. I put it down to the cold at night (?). But I thought the cold-frame would keep the frost off them. Do you think that's the case? The last frost round here is normally end April - first week of May. I also have an empty greenhouse, if that would protect them from the frost any better...? Or do you reckon being inside for another month would be best?

Cheers PaulG, yeah, I have done that with a lot of fast, mostly vertically growing plants... I love to train them and trim them to bush out and maximise yield :) Thanks.. it's a nice little area for the chillies at least. It is south facing and central in the garden. It used to be a pond, but it had a leak I couldn't find, so what you see is the result. Yep, really hoping for a load of huge plants this summer! Given that the one i've trained is the biggest chilli plant I've ever had... what kind of size pots do you think they can go into to reach their full potential? I have a recently available bit of land with decent soil (my last chicken died of old age last month), so was thinking maybe to plant them in the ground.
Mezo, I was wondering about that too... pots seem to take a while to dry out - which obviously is not good. I put it down to the cold at night (?). But I thought the cold-frame would keep the frost off them. Do you think that's the case? The last frost round here is normally end April - first week of May. I also have an empty greenhouse, if that would protect them from the frost any better...? Or do you reckon being inside for another month would be best?

You can put the plants in the cold frames and then use stc3248's heating method of christmas lights (or any other kind of light) in the grow tent/cold frame to keep the space warm on the freezing nights. My greenhouse is not air tight, and a small low watt space heater keeps it above freezing on cold nights. It warms up in the day even if there is no direct sun, but the main thing is they are out of the wind and weather, and more protected from plant pests.

Cheers PaulG, yeah, I have done that with a lot of fast, mostly vertically growing plants... I love to train them and trim them to bush out and maximise yield :) Thanks.. it's a nice little area for the chillies at least. It is south facing and central in the garden. It used to be a pond, but it had a leak I couldn't find, so what you see is the result. Yep, really hoping for a load of huge plants this summer! Given that the one i've trained is the biggest chilli plant I've ever had... what kind of size pots do you think they can go into to reach their full potential? I have a recently available bit of land with decent soil (my last chicken died of old age last month), so was thinking maybe to plant them in the ground.

I've read on the forum that the plants will grow to fit their containers in most cases. That's something I have to start thinking about as well. If you have good soil and can control weeds and pests, growing in the ground is the best for big plants, I suppose. My containers range from gallon size up to 18 gallon size, but I've mostly used 7 gallonUS pots for the annuums; haven't grown the other sp. before.

Have a good week, bro!
Thursday nights the one to watch, clear sky`s & zero degrees but with a minus 4 windchill.

Should be OK for one night i think? but don't quote me.

EDIT: Andrew are you still reading your own Glog?

Hang on,,, "Oi Bumface"

Friday minus three
Saturday minus two
Sunday minus three

(flyaling robot arms) Warning warning Will Robinson

Alright mate! I'm back.. :) Haha, yeah as it turns out I was chancing it with the frosts.. they chillies have been indoors since the end of that week when I realised you were right, Mezo.. but I put em outside today again, and hopefully for the last time utnil the end of summer :)

Damn, didn't even read about that tornado! Bet you don't get those in Oz! ;)

What happened recently with my Tri-Colour Variegata's is that they were coming along great, looking really spritely, and I left them out side in the daytime when it was really really hot, but then I left them outside.. and the next day it was like they had experienced over-fert burn on the tips of the leaves. they all got dry and dropped off.. thought it may have been related to the cold night that follwed the scorcher of a day.

Anyway, I took loooads of photos today so will update when i get back later :) Strange to see you little the veteran looks from two months ago... he has been fighting aphids like a hardened trooper and looks very battle-weary, but is fruiting nonetheless..

Pictures to follow.
Ok, I concede, I'm crap at updating.

The veteran is doing alright.. they all took a proper battering in the gale force winds last week.. they were reaching 50kmph, which is shitty, especially in june.



I'm having to be selective with the ones I give the most attention to now, as I started out with so many, and didn't really plan to end up with 50-odd plants with regards to pots, compost etc. I won't move many of the ornamental ones out of the 500ml yoghurt pots they have been in. Most of them have a lot of peppers at their canopies, and ultimately have served their purpose if they can't be eaten:



General trend for the ones I potted up seems to be that they reach a decent height, produce flowrs for pollination at the canopy and then once they have produced a few peppers they begin to grow bushier from the bottom of the main stalk.

So here's my best of the bunch:

Masquerade F1:








I'm having a bit of trouble uploading lots of pictures at once.. but doing my best :) More to come.