• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Buncha MALARKY 2017

Welcome to my first Glog everyone. This is my second grow. Thanks to the generosity of the THP community I am in possession of more varieties of seeds than I'll ever be able to grow. I have limited yard space and I try to keep things cheap to make this hobby less annoying to my wife.

So I'm located outside of Madison, WI. Zone 5a/4b
My goal is grow a wider variety of heat this year.

First 4 varieties Soaking:
-Aji LemonDrop (contest)
-Aji Amarillo
-Peruvian Red Rocotto
-Aji Oro


It's just the beginning. I need to grab some more of these cups for soaking.
Thanks for looking in. At a MINIMUM, I'll update once a week.
Finally some more chinense!
3 P.Dreadies popped. 

My upstairs room is a little cool and I only have 1 heat mat so I'm trying to be economical with things. I've got the seed germination cups on the heatmat under a tote with the sprung seeds in dirt cups.

I looked this morning and LemonDrop is the first plant above the dirt!
Mmmm, I'm working on what to start soon for the eighth acre, trying to be restrained for my first honest-to-God hot pepper attempt. The Scotch Bonnets were already on the list and you gifted me the PDreadies, definitely the rocotos and a few of the neat seeds mpicante sent me. Matt, you're giving me some great ideas!
Now the C.chinense train is rolling. I potted up sprouts for my Peach Bhut and CGN21500. As long as they push through the dirt now, all my chinense for the season are accounted for. In fact, if all my sprouts push through I should be almost set for the season.
I accidentally murdered a LemonDrop sprout last night too (Sorry Eric). So I dropped 2 more seeds in for a soak.
I forgot to take pics of all the OW's but here is a BahaGoat.

it seems to be pretty happy in its medium. As the foliage and sun increases I may have to up the watering frequency. Right now it gets a dunk about once a week.
Here I finally got a MiniRocoto Rojo to pop. So hopefully I'll have 1. Also 2 Manzano seeds sprung finally. These Manzanos came from the plant that PepperGuru rescued in Atlanta. I think it might be an orange manzano?

The snack is a Kiwi-Lime-Pdreadie Jelly on Muenster.

A couple little seedlings seem like the tips of their coty's are yellowish. I don't want to say browning. I don't believe they are burning as the T12 lights are cool. Some kind of damage from the seed coat? will they green up or are they sick? medium is FFOF, no added nutes, Tap water. city water.
hmm tap water? I think one of the effected is an amarillo, maybe a couple of the rocoto too. maybe I'll use some bottled water. Maybe I should give em a day of two and see if they shake it. HELICOPTER parent
Those amarillo seeds I sent you are from a generous package of direct-from-Peru I got from PaulG. Those babies popped 100% for me, to where I *sniff* had to *sniffsniff* THIN SOME *sssnnNIIIFFFF!*

I hate thinning pepper plants. Especially these.
Here is my grow cabinet area in the basement. I'm planning on a minor remodel. I hope to maybe have 2 grow shelves to let the plants have some space once they grow up. I'd like to pick up a set of T8 lights for cheap(free) also.

I think i'm maxing out at around 30 seedlings. I'm not sure how many I'll be able to sustain though. I plan on giving plants to friends though.
I'll have 10 or so plants in 5ga buckets and large pots and I hope to build a garden box though I'm not sure how large.
On a positive note I think I've germinated at least 1 of every variety except the annums. I'll tally up everyone once they all break the surface. Things are looking good now.
would this be an OK place for a pepper garden box? 2 maybe 3 feet wide, running most of the length of my garage?

It would get pretty good morning sun up until about 1pm and then shade would hit it. I thought about putting the C.pubescens in it to keep them out of the hot afternoon sun. 
I figure I could set up a rainbarrel behind the garage and use that to help with irrigation.
Any idea of the proper plant spacing for various plot plans? 3 ft per plant?
I like the middle diagram. Easy to navigate, more easy to isolate if you want. Placing the garden? Where you and I live the more southern exposure the better, but take what you can get. I have 80 foot hybrid poplars lining the east side of my property, making for very filtered morning sun. The west side is a grove of not as tall white ash, boxelder and birch, filtering evening sun. My eighth acre still manages bumper crops...

Malarky said:
I have to be done germinating  :rofl: I'm just starting to realize that in a few months I may have a problem.
The Darlin' Bride and I were discussing this likelihood just last night. I have the usual garden starts coming up too in March...