food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Dude...... #bacongate....... having fun......... Donny. He's out of his element. Who the hell is Donny? :rofl:
FreeportBum said:
No way man. If you've ever had streaky bacon it's very similar to Canadian bacon. Looks very close to the stuff GM digs on from Bentons.
Yeah, it's cured with only salt, slowly, and for like two years minimum or some shit ...
It's a totally different animal and BigB fucking ruined me ...
In fairness, he said it would ruin me and I ordered anyways ... because, of course I would ...
It's bacon2000 ...
The Hot Pepper said:
Dude...... #bacongate....... having fun......... Donny. He's out of his element. Who the hell is Donny? :rofl:
The original "gate".
Tricky MF'G Dick Nixon.
Dick Nixon Burger!
Tricky Dick Burger!
Like INO Animal Style but with the pickles going MIA.
But thats okay.
The Hot Pepper said:
Hahahaha... so basically you just said....
You are playing hide the pickle with Dick... animal style.
Just stop mentally revisiting your visitation in county jail.
Or is it borough?
Nixon Burger.
Has a certain je ne sais quoi to it though don't it?
first off.. Hot Dam Booma !!    You are starting to defy gravity with those burger stacks.  :)   Pretty soon you will be moving to  Abu Dhabi
second that is just nicely cooked strip bacon, not any kind of ham or back bacon..  Certainly not Canadian bacon.. 
 thirdly and   vastly important ,   this abomination is about as F@#king  Canadian as a can of Chef Boyardee  Ravioli  is Italian. 

This Peameal or smoked backbacon would be acceptable uses of the term Canadian Bacon.    Anyone caught eating the other crap in Canada is summarily beaten with hockey sticks and forced to eat hockey pucks with  simulated butter flavour Aunt Jemima syrup.  
true true.. we exile our worst things down south, where they are worshipped by our nice but somewhat gullible neighbours.     Beiber , Celine , Shatner, Nickleback..   It is like that yardsale where your neighbours take all the crap you were gonna throw out anyway. ;) 
Ashen said:
true true.. we exile our worst things down south, where they are worshipped by our nice but somewhat gullible neighbours.     Beiber , Celine , Shatner, Nickleback..   It is like that yardsale where your neighbours take all the crap you were gonna throw out anyway. ;)
Don't kid yourself.
You stinkin' knuck's still have it goodern' hell.
I would love to spend a summer just fishing on the Kispiox in B.C.
The steelhead there are like nothing on the planet.
And ever one should drive the Al-Can at least once.
I hate driving but done thatern' many times.
Some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.
texas blues said:
Don't kid yourself.
You stinkin' knuck's still have it goodern' hell.
I would love to spend a summer just fishing on the Kispiox in B.C.
The steelhead there are like nothing on the planet.
And ever one should drive the Al-Can at least once.
I hate driving but done thatern' many times.
Some of the most beautiful scenery in the world.
If I were end-stage w/ terminal cancer, I'd buy a Toyo field cam and substances enough to not survive a trip across the transcontinental railroad tour. I'd fly to the end of the line in the opposite direction from Banff and set out for it. I'd either experience Banff to wrap up this life, or die trying create the undeveloped film of #FatAnsel.
Banff is in that same category as Bristol Bay or Katmai, AK.
Life changing sheeit.
Happened to me all over Alaska.
From Homer to Denali to Bristol Bay.
Just like Banff but more remote and a bit more feral.
God's country.
I've often thought that upon my passing I'd be cremated and have my ashes scattered over 
either the Upper Nushagak or the Kvichak River Braids.
But if my daughters find it more thrifty, I wouldn't object to bein' dropped from a boat out of Marathon FL.
Or Clearwater FL.
Or Corpus Christi or Galveston.
I'm not dead yet!!!!
 We stayed at Dead Man's Flats when we visited that way..    about 15 mins from Canmore and half hour from Banff.    keep going north from there and you can have yourself a 3+ hr drive through the Columbia Ice Fields (Glacier) to Jasper.  Incredible country. 
As memorable as that scenery is, driving across the Bonneville salt flats  on   hwy 80 at night during a full moon , is one of the  most burnt in mental images  of my life. 
ok.. enough talky more burger    .. gotta go make my bride some sliders before it starts raining. 
I'm going to need some ketamine and a GoPro and you can keep the LF camera in that case ...
Might as well add a gun, too, and we'll do this so as to appear next to Hunter S. Thompson in hell.