food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Damn you! That's a reheated burger from my mass slider cook just to show you the innards are loose and juicy. I couldn't finish them all so that was lunch. There was a bun!
No bun... I wheebled that sh*t. Not a burger. :mope:

If I enter, I'll take real pics and y'all are in SEARious trouble.
Wow - whatever you used as a plate should be used in diapers & tampons, because that's just super absorbent!

Bunless - not even my phone considers that legit & keeps trying to change to "bundles". Yeah, I said it - the iPhone disapproves of THP's burger!

Y'all have no chance in this competition. I hesitate to even describe it as such. Dunno what imma make yet, but yeah - no chance.
It's a Snapkin. And that burger was a casualty for the cause of the insistent badgering for cut pics. No more!
THP he's talking about when I had my baby in February and we had a contest to see who could guess his measurements the closest. AJ won a box of sauces, powders and seeds cuz he was right on with length and only an ounce over on weight.
I would like to like THP's burger, but it is not a burger as there is no bun. Its a Wheeburger and therefore a fail.

Wait. I just read back. You took a pic of a bun-less REHEATED burger? Double Fail.
I would like to like THP's burger, but it is not a burger as there is no bun. Its a Wheeburger and therefore a fail.

Wait. I just read back. You took a pic of a bun-less REHEATED burger? Double Fail.



I call it the Wheebootsie.

That's how you say double fail in Burgerese.