food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Y'all don't char your burgers enough for me. I cook right over the flame and raise the coals... perfect char and MR inside. Call it preference.

Seasoned Chuck (80/20, Southwest grill seasoning, sea salt). Olive Oil while cooking.
Extra Sharp White Cheddar
Homemade Jalapeno/Onion Relish
Peach Hab Jam
Toasted Potato Slider Buns (you know already)

I do prefer a nice char like what you've got goin on.
Today? I don't know... Jay might call it research, I would never!
Looks good Bossolé.

I do prefer bigger PICTURES tho.
Power just came back on here after an hour or so.

Scovie stood and delivered most awesome! The last money shot with the jojo's was just that....MONEY! Scheeze ooze as Sum mentioned would have been better but dadgum......I'd mao on that all day! H B & R no doubt!

THP...I get down brown with the char as well. That burger has much awesomenessessess but a proper money shot would have been better. I hope you made extry's because I WANT IT!
Thanks TB, I had to get them burgers off the grill before the cheese had time to melt.
I had to make the call, cheese melted, or perfectly done burgers.
They were pretty damm good, and again, not at all close to what my TD entry will be.

Yeah, boss, where's the picture of it cut in half showing the inside? I want to click on THAT.

Close the lid to melt the cheese just for a few secs. But yeah, I think ALL the burgers the past few pages look good... some great, some awesome.

Some were NOT burgers at all.
Alrighty then...think I gots the hang of this boiger thing.

Swiss miss.

Big ol pattie

fixin's and goo. Fixin's are bacon, mushroom, onion and swiss cheese binder. Goo is swiss cheese.

The guts, nothing but ground meat and fixin's. And I aint done no more handlin' of meat than my my sister, Sally Bob has. Lately.
Hey DTN, why do you know about your sisters meat handling? :) JK the burger looks great, I like mine extra pink in the middle, the won't let let me though :cry:

SD, the burger looks great man, minus the cheese thang. :)Hey I got news on our coming up. I was going to call you guys and let you know, but my dumba$$ forgot to save your number and Meg wasn't answering her phone :bangshead:

Boss where the cut in half pic? Did you handle your meat to much? :) I kid, the burger still looks damn fine :).

Looks like there's going to be some heavy hitters doing the TD, even boss trying to get up in the mix. Hey Boss, don't get all upset when I take this crown over you! :lol:
Ok, DTS has just declared war on this throwdown. That is amazing. Here it is 8:33 in the morning and I am drooling. Throw that thing on the ground!
DTS - that is a beautimous burger!!!!! Great call on the Swiss! I like how it got all snuggly with the onion and 'shrooms! And look at the pinkness soaking into the bottom bun...excellent shot!!!!! :)
Much better DTS! Wow, this topic is like practice for the TD with criticism and improvement. DTS delivers!

Did you see the photos . There's two patties(1/2lb) under the rib- steak layer.

Steak on two burgers? That's like putting a pork chop on top of pulled pork. It just don't work. Same meat, different textures, mouthfeel, and chewing patterns. I don't know Bootsie, that's too far outside the padded cell.
Steak on two burgers? That's like putting a pork chop on top of pulled pork. It just don't work. Same meat, different textures, mouthfeel, and chewing patterns. I don't know Bootsie, that's too far outside the padded cell.
Yeah - I actually ground the filet mignon & mixed it in with ground beef 80% - I wanted the flavor of filet, but you need to keep the texture consistently burger, at least with the patty. one n00b's opinion. Ps I would have liked your post THP, but I'm all out. sigh. :dance: hahahaha
THP...I get down brown with the char as well. That burger has much awesomenessessess but a proper money shot would have been better. I hope you made extry's because I WANT IT!

Boss where the cut in half pic? Did you handle your meat to much? :) I kid, the burger still looks damn fine :).

Listen you bastiges you're just going to have to trust that I am the Burgermeister Meisterburger and get a perfect char and MR temp every time, because I'm not cutting into all my burgers to lose valuable juices!!! Fine, here's proof in a crappy pic.
