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Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Hey y'all looking through the sacred THP scrolls it is apparent that most awesome of foods is sorely neglected. That's right chidren's, I'm talkin' about BURGERS!! Sliders. Pub burgers. Fast food style burgers. Gastro burgers. Cheffy burgers. CHEESEBURGERS!!! Single and double meat. Triple meat. Extreme burgers. Man vs. Food burgers....the list is endless but y'all get the idea.

We won't go into the endless arguments of who created the first hamburger (Fletcher Davis) or what meat qualifies as a burger. Nonetheless....here are the rules for posting in this soon to be awesome thread:

1. Any meat goes. Beef, chicken, pork, lamb, rat, fish. Whatever, hunt it down and kill it with a knife. Its all good and I've included the options other than the traditional beef so all the kids can play in the pool. If its ground and round, its all good.

2. The damn 'thang has to be between 2 slices of bread or bun. White bread. Brioche. Sourdough. English muffin. Whole wheat. Its got to be bready. No wrap crap or wild pizza dough like chingaderra's.

3. Any cooking method goes. Grilled. Broiled. Griddled. Steamed. Deep fried. Zippo lighter.

4. Because I love to ridicule to no end tree hugging granola wimps and hippy's.....
Veggie burgers are all good. Just be prepared for the woe and gnashing of teeth and smack talk that will soon come if you post it. It will be all in fun and all good.

5. You suck at cooking? The only thing that would suck more is if you posted pics of your restaurant burger. For the sake of keeping the comedy rolling...
Any burger you didn't cook or you bought is allowed and is all good. Warning: while allowed, posting pics of BK burgers or their ilk with a splash of tabasco will bring upon you the most ridicule and insults. Even more than a veggie burger!

6. Chile's and/or hotsauce is mandatory on the burger. ON the burger, no crap on the side.

7. Pics are mandatory. No posting about a burger you made or ate without pics. You will suffer extreme ridicule and experience much loathing. Just don't do it.

8. Include a list of condiments and toppings. Mayo. Mustard. Onions. Cheese. Extract of male baboon spermatazoa. Whatever. Post it.

There it is y'all. Can you get down brown with it? Allrighty then...


Here's mine. Sliders. 80/20 ground chuck from Matador Meat Market, Frisco, Tx. Cooked over fine diced yellow onions in cast iron using the smash technique. Toasted Pepperidge Farm slider buns with mustard, the onions, dill pickle and jalapeno pickle slices. Kraft brand American Plastic Cheese.


Adult beverages are encouraged in the pics but not mandatory. Dig that awesome cast iron crust sear!


So bring on your burgers. And that means those damn Aussie's and their stinkin' beet root too!!
I should have said a provolone tube shape rather than a wheel. I can only recall once when I've seen it as a single wheel which went about 2 pounds.

Bring on 'dem sliders.

Am I correct in saying it's flavor is similar to Parm and Feta?

Not near as dry as parm or sharp as parm or feta. Texture just a bit dryer than say a Jarlsberg swiss. Kind of a combination of a dry swiss crossed with a fontina with smoky notes.
Am I correct in saying it's flavor is similar to Parm and Feta?

No not like feta at all, but sure a bit like parm, in some regards, and depending on how long it's aged, I got "over 1 year" today, super sharp, a tad salty and nutty, it's semi-hard which means it can still be sliced, and it melts great, parm, really has to be grated and is not a good melter. Parm also is a bit harsh while this remains smooth (even though it's sharp if that makes sense).
Yep, that's the stuff. I like it. I must say, for living fourty miles past BFE, we are fortunate with the cheese dept.
This guy gets cheese from all over the world. We often try stuff that just looks interesting. That deli Provolone is really quite bad.
I haven't had it in decades, because there's nothing there. Ok meltability tho, but yuk.
THP is right on. I think the sharpier parms are done that way so they stand up to many of the Italian type snausage's when eaten together. Especially the more peppery and capicola types and the saltier proscuitto's.

I like feta well enough but it doesn't really yank my chain as does say an artisan style goat cheese.
+1 TB.
CJ likes the Feta, so we always have it. Any artisan cheese will do me right, except when it's in a ball and coated with nuts.
If I had to live on a desert island, and could only take one cheese with me, it would have to be Cambazola.
Yesterday I ate some homemade burgers, so I thought let's make a photo for this thread too share. I can tell you, it was damn tasty :party: Also the lettuce from my own garden made it taste even better!

I can't believe I'm about to rave over lettuce - BUT DANG!!!!! It actually looks juicy!!!!

If I grew lettuce like that, I'd prolly wrap it all up in one big leaf and bag the bun altogether!!! Except, that bun looks pretty perfect too....
My desert island cheese...


Oh yeah? But does Cotswold have an entire cookbook dedicated to it?


Has anyone done Velveeta on a burger? If I wasn't too unsober to drive
to the store on this holiday weekend evening, I'd have to make a Velveeta
burger tonight. I wonder if it will sound too unappealing tomorrow...
Velveeta has its uses i.e. queso and similiar to american processed but not quite the same. You might try it on a burger but I certainly wouldn't use it on say...a pizza.

Cotswold I would eat on a burger or with some finger foods like cold cuts or just plain with beer. I'd never do that with Velveeta.
AweYeahhhhh these sliders rocked Elvis back from the dead.

Okay, they looked too similar to the white cheddar burgers, so I JayTeed* the pics.

(*Did not post)

Let it be known even provolone goes with pepper jam.
Here was my dinner tonight.


Onion Straws

The meat on the bbq, Beef, Tillamook cheddar, and chopped manzanos, and garlic all mixed together. The bun is Kings Hawaiian.

Added some teriyaki

The finished product with some Maui onion chips
WOW! That burger looks all sorts of right! The teriyaki did it for me...now I predict a Hawaiian Burger in my very near future!!!!!! YUM-O!!!