I know I know I know!!! I knew this day would come...
There was a time when I did,'t want to even hear the word Salmon, Fridge full of leftovers, lunch box with leftover from dinner lunch, freezer full, and all I wanted was mac n cheese.
I promise to do better TB, specially cuz, it's gettin into grillin season.
Been to 3 Crabs many times it is every bit as good as you remember. There's a Maw n Paw greezy diner in LaConner that has THEE Best Shrimp-burgers I've ever had. They were small, and only like $4.
We'd go in there and order 5 or 6 at a time, and Crab Burgers and Clam Fritter Burgers.... Damm TB, you're makin me hungry! HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAA