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food Burgers? Hell Yeah!!

Gentlemen, you are class defined. JayT.... hugging it out is cool..... just don't tug it out. Over the line. And thanks for the food love, gents! One day, I hope to be as good as Jay and Chris!
Phil said:
Gentlemen, you are class defined. JayT.... hugging it out is cool..... just don't tug it out. Over the line. And thanks for the food love, gents! One day, I hope to be as good as Jay and Chris!
Dude you ARE as good already! I am a wanna be cook in the end. ;) Speaking of ovens, over wings tonight for JayT!!!!
Holey moley!!!!!

That's the kinda burger you eat without putting down. 
And when you're done, you stand up and pace back and forth, staring at the drippings on the plate.
You sneer at everyone else at the table...
and at the appropriate time, you silently hang your head, eyes closed, and triumphantly raise both arms to the sky, victoriously.
Oh! And Scovie... can't forget Scovie with that monster mojo! You guys are familiar with cooking styles and ingredients that I am not.... so I defer to you!
Jesus just called.
That avo scheeze burger is GOD APPROVED!
I bet they eat like that every meal up there in heaven.
Lookin' at the burger pic though I am coveting it.
And that's a sin.
I'm going to hell.
Muchas gracias Phil.
If I get there before you do I'll open the door mutherfuck!
Eat your stinkin' lettuce.
And to think you call me "hippy".
texas blues said:
Muchas gracias Phil.
If I get there before you do I'll open the door mutherf**k!
Eat your stinkin' lettuce.
And to think you call me "hippy".
There will be lettuce in hell..... all the lettuce you can eat..... endless lettuce. Nothing but lettuce. Hell, it's HELL!!!! Aw, hell.... that means I'm gonna have to eat tofu..... all the tofu I can eat. Endless tofu! Ahhhhh!!!!!! NOOOOOO!!!!!!
texas blues said:
Now that's irony for ya'.
Hell ain't lookin' all that bad after all.
If they got shrimp taco's there I am so f**ked.
Shrimp tacos but no Mae Ploy cream sauce.  You're gonna suffer.  Its hell.
We need to all get together some day and have a true Throwdown where we can taste all of the final plates. Just imagine it..... Everyone brings their own cooking gear, BBQ pit/smoker, what have you.....

MMMMmmm! Deviled EGGS!!!!! I am so there