If you guys can buy the pizza, I will donate the powder and assign the rules.If i could afford the Powders i would do the pizza challenge (any donations???) lol
Doubtful.Slade will beat that challenge
Well you have a ton of sample headed at you. I would love to see you do the challenge yourself, already stocked with the powders.Powders and pods are two dif. Things
I have faith lol
PM me your addy, I'll send you a gram or so of 8 types. You going to video this?Joyner shoot me some powders hell i'll try it but it has to be on a saturday
PM me your addy, I'll send you a gram or so of 8 types. You going to video this?
Ok, so pour contents of each on a single slice meaning 1 bag per slice and 8 slices total. If you want to cut 4 slices into 8, that is fine by me. I weigh out a gram to see how much that is and adjust from there, not much more than that or you won't see the slice.ANYTHING ELSE WOULD BE UNCIVILIZED
I would hope so, making it easy to something actually happens besides talk.I'm going to kill this challenge
Slade will beat that challenge