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Burpee WTF!!!!

I dont know that this is the right forum to post this but here goes:

How can anyone charge $3.75 for a single packet of Billy Biker seeds then charge $6.95 for shipping it! WTF!!!!!

Thank you for listening to my rant.
Some of those sellers(vendors) over price for shipping & handling if I was you I will be looking for another seeds sources that what people look for to not over pay it any way.
yes and what pisses me off is that when you get your packed you see the postage only $1 to $2 at the most i said where the rest of the shipping charges is u only used $1 what about the rest. i bough from burpee one time and said will never do it again
You will find a lot of people try to stay away from Burbees because of that and other issues like miss labeled seeds and a lack of customer service. Try checking out Tomato Growers Company.
Thanks Jackie, I did not know that. Guess I'll have to pick another Jalapeño to grow next year, I just don't like Burpees...:(
I've been looking for Biker Billy's as well. I haven't seen individual packs of them at the stores, but they are included in the "Hot Pepper Mix" by Burpee with about 5 other peppers. Maybe they will start showing up individually before the 2010 season. If I don't see them by January, I'm going to place a small order from Burpee. The have some other seeds like the Mariachi that I'm interested in trying.
I buy my jalapenos in the veggie section at Kroger. The cost of growing them is just too high for the net payback for me in this region.
wow that price is rediculous ( hope its not incorrectly spelt). Almost like paying 20 bucks for a 1 lb baga of manure !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Grrrr.!!!!!!!!!!!1

Oooops !Must learn to control myself.Yes i also order bikerbillys from walmart.
I`ve actually seen the biker billy at the local mennonite nursery.Damn good plants too.Theyare soooo much better than the local thieves charging house notes for seeds/plants.
Yep, most companies (not all, there are guys like Neil out there) gouge you on ridiculous “shipping and handling” charges.

I know some may not like my following statement but I think NMSU CPI ranks amongst the top gougers (at least for non US orders).

As a Canadian I must place a minimum $30.00 US order and add $17.00 US shipping!!! US postage to Canada is $2.00!!!

I wanted some seeds and was lucky to hook up with a forum member in CA who was planning on ordering from NMSU. Sent him $18.00 + $2.00 (postage) and my seeds will be here this week.

$20 with middle man vs. $47 direct, kind of goes against what you’d normally expect.

By the time I got to Home Depot there were Burpee seeds but no Biker Billys. I wanted to grow them this past summer myself but I ended up with none. AJ says nice things about them so they must be a reliably hot jalapeno.