I ate a moruga in my channel, idk what link is but try out youtube.com/des7ruc7iv3 it obviously has moruga in the title.
Anyways that was my first superhot. I warnyou take a shot of peptobismo and have a full stomach when you eat it. I did neither, and I have stomach pains for 8 hours. It wasnt like ow man my stomach hurts it was laying down on a flat surface for 6 hours nearly hurling every time it started to flame up again. And whatever you do, do NOT NO NO NO take a tums or sny other type of calcium supplement to calm the acid in you're stomach down. My buddy that i did the challenge with ate one and he had curled up in a ball cramps for about an hour or so.
But go ahead do it
it was a great experence and il gladly do it again
Ps: todd sent you those pods? XD he sent me teo butchts and two morugas. Hes such a boss