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Butch T, Down the Hatch!

Ahaha. That was a good one. :cool: That sh*t wanted to mess you up! :onfire:

Pod munching vids are no fun when the person doesn't burn....
Yea i just took down the butch T. It was out of control pain! it was my second video. i dont even want to know how bad the moruga is!
BigPapa, you are a stud, man! You really handled that.
Sorry the Heat are down a little at the half - your 'heat'
down a little, yet? :lol:
Good job man!!! Those ButchT's are nothing to fool with they are very hot!!! You handled the heat quite nicely!!!! Bravo!!!
Feel free to check out my vids on YT search for theitalian556
The Butch T.... there is no real reason for anyone to do a pod review of this pepper, it always seems to cause a sudden inability to talk. I know I couldn't speak after eating it. :dance:
Good job man!!! Those ButchT's are nothing to fool with they are very hot!!! You handled the heat quite nicely!!!! Bravo!!!
Feel free to check out my vids on YT search for theitalian556

I already follow you friend! I am Deegan43 on there haha. I watched your vid again b4 I did mine
Good job man!!! Those ButchT's are nothing to fool with they are very hot!!! You handled the heat quite nicely!!!! Bravo!!!
Feel free to check out my vids on YT search for theitalian556

I already follow you friend! I am Deegan43 on there haha. I watched your vid again b4 I did mine

Gotcha! Thats cool!!! Nice to see ya found your way on the forum!!! Again good job taking on the Butch!
Yea i just took down the butch T. It was out of control pain! it was my second video. i dont even want to know how bad the moruga is! While your on youtube click on me and check out my first video too!


I ate a moruga in my channel, idk what link is but try out youtube.com/des7ruc7iv3 it obviously has moruga in the title.

Anyways that was my first superhot. I warnyou take a shot of peptobismo and have a full stomach when you eat it. I did neither, and I have stomach pains for 8 hours. It wasnt like ow man my stomach hurts it was laying down on a flat surface for 6 hours nearly hurling every time it started to flame up again. And whatever you do, do NOT NO NO NO take a tums or sny other type of calcium supplement to calm the acid in you're stomach down. My buddy that i did the challenge with ate one and he had curled up in a ball cramps for about an hour or so.

But go ahead do it :D it was a great experence and il gladly do it again :D

Ps: todd sent you those pods? XD he sent me teo butchts and two morugas. Hes such a boss
I ate a moruga in my channel, idk what link is but try out youtube.com/des7ruc7iv3 it obviously has moruga in the title.

Anyways that was my first superhot. I warnyou take a shot of peptobismo and have a full stomach when you eat it. I did neither, and I have stomach pains for 8 hours. It wasnt like ow man my stomach hurts it was laying down on a flat surface for 6 hours nearly hurling every time it started to flame up again. And whatever you do, do NOT NO NO NO take a tums or sny other type of calcium supplement to calm the acid in you're stomach down. My buddy that i did the challenge with ate one and he had curled up in a ball cramps for about an hour or so.

But go ahead do it :D it was a great experence and il gladly do it again :D

Ps: todd sent you those pods? XD he sent me teo butchts and two morugas. Hes such a boss

Yea I definitely watched your videos too! They are hella funny haha. I love doing this stuff. I totally ate tums after and like you said it did not help. I was kind of a fool. I ate nothing all day and then just tried to cheat by eating a tortilla right before the butch. It was pretty painful till the end of the game! I know you heard me give a shutout to the guy that doesn't like bad words haha. No way I could get through that without a few F bombs

Todd is the man! He sent me two butch ts and morugas as well. The morugas look absolutely deadly and both weigh 7 grams. Oh man I am scared! Buying pepto today for the enjoyment tomorrow! And maybe ice cream that doesn't have berrys or cake in it as that doesn't help much.
Honey is the trick with the burn dude.... Works WAY better than ice cream or dairy products IMO. Give it a shot! You will thank me...