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Calayx of the BG7 - how long until it changes ?

Hi All,
Simple question - once the body of the BG7 fruit has actually turned red, how long before the calayx starts to change colour ?
My single plant has plenty of ripe fruit, but none of the calayx have changed at all.
Also, all the fruit look the pretty much the same to me so I wouldn't say the plant is some sort of unstable hybrid.
(I purchased the seed from an Australian retailer).
Bubblegum is still an unstable hybrid.
Are the calyx big?
Do you have any pics? That would help.
After the pods were ripe, some of my pods took up to two weeks for the calyx to turn fully red.
Hi Ocho,
Here's two pics. The first is from the oldest pod on the plant (which is now getting soft while I wait for the calayx to turn ....):

Here's the second, showing a newly ripened fruit:

All pods look pretty much the same - no problems there !
Does this help ?
I would say to start harvesting your ripe pods, they are probably not going to turn red. As Bhut Camp said the Calyx is much larger on the BBG7 and you would already have bleeding through the Calyx for sure on the earlier pods. I have grown BBG7 for a few years now and all of mine had the bleeding of the Calyx within a few days to a week or so of ripe pods. 
teejay said:
Hi All,
Simple question - once the body of the BG7 fruit has actually turned red, how long before the calayx starts to change colour ?
My single plant has plenty of ripe fruit, but none of the calayx have changed at all.
Also, all the fruit look the pretty much the same to me so I wouldn't say the plant is some sort of unstable hybrid.
(I purchased the seed from an Australian retailer).
I grew them last year and the calyx should be much bigger. Once they turned red it took what seemed like forever to get the calyx to turn red. They eventually did though.  I had one plant out of the many that I grew that looked like your peppers. I'm guessing that it took on more of the original moruga traits. The peppers off of that plant were hotter than hell! I saved the seeds from the best pods from that plant and I will grow them soon. I'm just going to call them "Mutant" peppers!
Yep, I had several plants like yours last year, little to no red and small calyxes. But I must say they were the hottest peppers in the garden. I thought way hotter than the Reapers. One pod about killed me!
Look at the ones Ocho Cinco grew last year. That is what you want. 
yes the BBG7 is still unstable, most of the generations are still f3 or f4 so there would be a many phenotypes around, there are 3 different colours variations that I know of also, (red, yellow, brown)
yours seems to be of the type that has the smaller calyx, it still may or may not turn red????