Alright so far i really like the following pictures and these will be presented for further assesment.
Boutros- ocean and sky + that sunset one rocks.
AJ- probably both of the cactus pics
Mrs Blues- thats one nice pic that
Armadillo- the bug sex one and the gas pumps with old car, what kind of car is that? I would guess a model T but i am stoopid and the rusty old car one.
DaveT- butterfly and flower and maybe the car racing one.
DickT- the pic with the single snap on boat.
Alright now to get to work saving all these and transfering them to photobucket, should be fun-not.
Thanks for all the great images and if you happen past any other good ones throw them on here, there are still a couple of days before we have to have them all together.
Cheers guys.