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Can You Make a Plant Bushier

No need for lights, the main plant is going outside. I may give the two clones a bit of sunshine every now and then but I'm going to wait for roots to develop before setting them outside permanently.

Again, thanks for all the help gang.
Well, this thread made me think about 'duping my poor old Dorset Naga.

Here's my recent cutting and the original Dorset.


The Dorset itself was cut waaay back awhile ago. I'm taking a cutting from it as a cautionary measure in case the parent doesnt make it as it's my only Dorset plant. :)

Used Schultz TakeRoot cutting powder and my standard pro-mix that was fully flushed with water in case of old fert build-up as the soil is re-used. Let it drip-dry. ;)

Stem was stripped down, misted, dipped, and put all the way into the container giving maximun contact area. (about 3" worth of stem)

We'll see what happens, eh?
Here's a recently taken picture of the Red Savinas im growing. Ive cut the terminal bud on all of them some time before, I think the cut was below the 2 last nodes on the terminal bud. I think its a good method for getting the plant bushier, havnt met any problems yet, I did this with my last growop when I was growing Monkey Face peppers (annum).

I love the Red Savina plants, but I dont love the peppers yet, havnt reached the harvest yet and havnt tried them before :) But Im sure theyll be lovely, they have some advantage against many other varietes cause I always start to like those I grow myself a little (a lot) more than those I buy :) I tried the carribean red, I dont know how alike they are, but I tried some green early pickings at my parents house some days ago, I know I will grow more of that variety, it was delicious!! What other varietes do you like growing? And Patrick, thanks for the feedback :)
I thought I would update this a little bit and show some of the changes since I murderized it nine days ago.

I'm happy to say it appears that we may get bushiness from the changes made. You can compare the following pics to the third pic down from the top.

This is a pic from the right side.


And the left side.


I circled all of the new growth in blue. Thanks for the advice guys--its really paying off on the main plant.

Haven't really seen much change with the two tops that I have sitting in glasses of water. I change water out every other day and add a couple of drops of some weak MG. They're surviving so far.
Time for an update. I was changing the water on the two branches I cut off the main stalk and look what I found!

Not the best photo and kind of hard to see but there are two small roots coming out of the stalk. Got me a little excited.


The other one is looking even better. Again just two of them but these are a bit longer.


I've been changing the water every two days, misting the leaves every day and every four or five days I feed them a very week MG solution through the leaves. To say I'm digging this would be an understatement.

Here's the mother plant, happy to report she's running amuck too!

Left side.


Right side.


Such a rush when things go right. One more picture to follow.
Just re-looking at the picture of the cuttings. One of the ends looks a little dark. If it feels slimy or mushy, scrape off the slimy, mushy part so that it doesn't spread.
How much sun is that getting? It looks like the new growth is getting leggy too?

If I were you I would make sure it's getting at least 6 hours of direct sunlight a day.
Heh...I'd topped this Fatali off a bit because it was hiting the lights...and just look what it did....



How's that for bushy new growth, eh? :)