sweets candied peppers

So i was wondering if anyone here has candied peppers. I ask because i am going to try candying some fatali and adding it to a cheesecake topped with a fatali jam. it might sound crazy but...i think it will be awesome. i think a simple raspberry/fatali jam/preserve, slathered on a new york styled cheesecake, with chunks of candied fatali mixed in sounds good.

this is the candy recipe i have.

melt granulated sugar into water, untill it forms a simple light syrup, add peppers, warms for 2 to 3 min, pull out and let cool, repeat untill all the syrup is absorbed..and peppers are coated nicely in the syrup.(i figure id play around with measurement. maybe like 1/4 cup sugar to 1 cup water.

so what do you think? sound good or gross out?
I dunno, sounds good to me. Then again, I'll eat just about anything. Couldn't hurt to make it and try it out. Just be sure ya tell us all on how it went. :P
so i just candied some cayenne peppers. mainly i was just trying to get the hang of candying, since i have never done it. I am pleased to announce i did it! i used unripe cayenne peppers(just to experiment on) and they turned out rather nice. sweet, with a nice little bite at the end. i saved the remaing syrup, and plan to drizzle it over some ice cream later tonight. as it picked up quite the flavor in the process.