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CaneDog 2019 Hirsute Pursuit – Rocotos, Wilds & Moar

So, here's the new glog for the coming season.  With the indoor grow culled pretty hard now I can focus more on getting ready for what's ahead.  Hoping for a great year, but I’m already a bit behind - the germinators are packed right now and I've still got a round of annuum seeds waiting for their turn.  I guess it wouldn’t feel much like pepper growing though if everything were going perfect.
My focus was going to be rocotos with a side of bonnets and some other stuff, but I found I kept planting more and more wilds. Eventually I just kinda went all-in with them and they took on co-main event status. 
I’ll start things off with some pics of some of the earlier pube’s.  There’s not too many at this point. Unfortunately, the vast majority just went into germination.
First off, Costa Rica Red.  This is the CRR with flattened triangular pods.  I also have an OW CRR that’s a 3-4 lobed “boxy” variety.  I didn't get true seeds off this one last summer, so I have a few of these growing and crossing my fingers they grow true.

Rocoto DeSeda.  These guys were from a bush I’d OW’d a few years in a row, but it didn’t make it through this winter

Rocoto San Camillo

Gelbe Reisen Variant.  These are from true seeds off a plant I’ve been growing for a few years that was supposed to be Gelbe Riesen, but the pods are more orange vs yellow, rounder/less boxy, and just a touch smaller. I don’t know if it’s a natural variation or it might have crossed with a Costa Rica Orange, but it's a great plant. I have a few of these started and am curious what comes of them.

Giant Yellow Rocoto.  Suppose I should pinch that bud off.

Recently hatched Gelbe Riesen sprouts (the parent plant has been a beast for me for a while now) and CAP 217 Hyper-Pube.

That’s it for the rocotos for now.  Will try to post up some pics of the early wilds in a little bit. 
Masher said:
Well, had to take a poke around....nice looking plants.

Love that deep purple pdn, that flower is an eye popper.

Thanks, I haven't grown PdN previously and the flowers were a surprise. I know I've seen pictures of them before, but for whatever reason I guess I wasn't expecting the purple on them.  I was also surprised how well the plant responded to going outside about 3 weeks ago. Never even skipped a beat.
Wow CD, things are just rolling full speed for you, super super nice! :) Loving the developments on the wilds, and your SLR is just killing it, and it isn't even settled in its final place yet - epic stuff.

I'm impressed you gave the slug a second chance, in my garden they're not always that lucky, especially if they decided to come near my pepper plants... ;)

So how many plants in total are you dealing with this season? Keep up the great work buddy, the season hasn't even fully started but you're already killing it!

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lespaulde said:
Wow CD, things are just rolling full speed for you, super super nice! :) Loving the developments on the wilds, and your SLR is just killing it, and it isn't even settled in its final place yet - epic stuff.

I'm impressed you gave the slug a second chance, in my garden they're not always that lucky, especially if they decided to come near my pepper plants... ;)

So how many plants in total are you dealing with this season? Keep up the great work buddy, the season hasn't even fully started but you're already killing it!

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Hey LP.  Yep, it feels like things are starting to roll pretty quickly now.  Always seems like waiting... waiting... then suddenly there's too much to do.  I'm not big on the second chances, but I figured I could toss that slug far enough into the woods he wouldn't be seen again.  Perhaps there's a way to mark them so I can identify and dispatch any repeat offenders.  :think:   
Too many plants this season and definitely more than usual. I figure I'll grow 100 +/- to production.  I have more than that growing now, but I'll keep giving some away and cull down some too.  Space isn't the issue - I have one dedicated 10 x 40 foot garden that alone will hold 60 peppers - it's the time it takes to care for them through all the step-ups and such. I'd like to cut that number in about half going forward, but the ratchet effect can be a  tough one.
So, this next week will mean getting a lot of plants into their permanent homes so they start taking care of themselves more.  Hopefully I can get that accomplished. At least the weather is supposed to be good.  Hope your weather turns up the heat soon too!
CaneDog said:
Hey LP.  Yep, it feels like things are starting to roll pretty quickly now.  Always seems like waiting... waiting... then suddenly there's too much to do.  I'm not big on the second chances, but I figured I could toss that slug far enough into the woods he wouldn't be seen again.  Perhaps there's a way to mark them so I can identify and dispatch any repeat offenders.  :think:   
Too many plants this season and definitely more than usual. I figure I'll grow 100 +/- to production.  I have more than that growing now, but I'll keep giving some away and cull down some too.  Space isn't the issue - I have one dedicated 10 x 40 foot garden that alone will hold 60 peppers - it's the time it takes to care for them through all the step-ups and such. I'd like to cut that number in about half going forward, but the ratchet effect can be a  tough one.
So, this next week will mean getting a lot of plants into their permanent homes so they start taking care of themselves more.  Hopefully I can get that accomplished. At least the weather is supposed to be good.  Hope your weather turns up the heat soon too!
Haha, I feel ya on the waiting waiting waiting...and then.... BAM, it's go time! I can see why many people find the seedling stage the most relaxing, as there might be lot's happening, but not much intervention required. And lol, yes, tagging the slugs and thereby giving them 1 extra chance might be the way to go - would definitely make one feel less bad about the punishment for intrusion that way...  ;)
Wow, 100 plants is some serious effort, no wonder you are so busy! Will be nice to have everything in their final places, as then it becomes more routine and less often, not to mention the moral support of watching those pods set, develop and ripen, reminding you of what we're doing it all for. 
Night time temps took a nice jump into high 50s (F) here since last week, so that was exactly what I needed, and I'm hoping your temps will also soon be where you want them, so the plants don't need as much pampering anymore and can be left to their own devices. 
Always a pleasure checking in with you, really nice grow you've got going!
Well, The Dogster is getting his plant-out on!
Good for you, CD! We still have spotty showers here,
but I have been planting-out, as well. Have 15 first round
plants in the 'ground' and 7 or 8 more to go. then it's a
break until mid-June or so when the second (annuum) 
round goes in.  
Things look good there, brothah! Good luck getting
everything tied down for the summer...
dragonsfire said:
These guys bottom right.
Ugh.  This refusal to post issue seems to be getting worse and worse.  Forgot to copy my text this time and lost it all.
Aha!  I didn't think you meant the Jalapeno, but I took "orange ribbed" to mean "orange veined" (leaves) for some reason and...  well, my bad.  On the subject of pumpkin habs, have you grown it before?  What do you think of it?
The plant is from WHP Bahamian Goat seed and I grew indoors this winter.  I kept it small for indoors, but it grew super strong, never a glitch, and put out a new batch of pods immediately after each harvest.  I moved it outdoors recently (why it looks so ragged now) and I'm hoping it does well this summer too.  If so, it's an all-around winner.  I saved isolated seeds from the first harvest so now have a couple Generation #2 plants growing for this summer in addition to their progenitor.
Original goat winter pic

One of the G2 goats off to a good start
PaulG said:
Well, The Dogster is getting his plant-out on!
Good for you, CD! We still have spotty showers here,
but I have been planting-out, as well. Have 15 first round
plants in the 'ground' and 7 or 8 more to go. then it's a
break until mid-June or so when the second (annuum) 
round goes in.  
Things look good there, brothah! Good luck getting
everything tied down for the summer...
Thanks Paul.  Been enjoying following your progress - always seems to be so much you have going on.  Mid-june for your annuums huh?  Mine are getting booted out this next week and they'll just have to deal with it!  Definitely something to be said though for planting them into the more consistent warmth and keeping them in stride.
We've had a lot of the spotty showers here too.  I thought we were coming out of it this week so I opened up the hoop houses yesterday and..  wait for it...  yep, it's cool and raining this morning...
Oh well.
Cheers  :cheers:
CG, it all looks GREAT!  I thought I truly missed leaving the community garden, but when I look at your photos of yours, no way!  Half our gardeners would walk away mid-season and let their plots go to the weeds.  I could only wish.  Your gardens look so well tended.  And your plots and plants are gorgeous!
May I ask if you got a jig and fabricated your own hoops, or were you able to purchase them already formed?  I often thought of doing that, but our gardens would set up and tear down every season and it just wasn't worth the effort.
At any rate, here's hoping for sun and better weather.  Someone flipped the switch here in Pennsylvania and it's full-blown summer now.  A line of huge storms moved through last night and my weather station recorded 0.87 inches of rain between 12:02 and 12:14 this morning.  I am thinking I'm going to love these root pouches if it rains like it has the past 4 years!
Great garden!  Good luck this year!
Hi NM!  I would miss the community gardens if I left, though there are some headaches. Produce theft is probably the worst, but thankfully it's not terribly common/bad.  Still, it stinks big time to go to harvest kale and see someone's beat you to it and neatly cut off every leafy branch leaving you with at stick.  I've also been a bit disappointed over the years at how few peppers are grown there outside of the basic annuums, and by the lack of good pepper talk to be had. I should take some pictures of the gardens and post them though.  They are largely well cared for and a good half of them are operated year-around and with permanent plantings. I have one year-around plot with my raised beds and another seasonal plot that will get row planted.
These two hoop houses were a gift and came as kits with preformed metal hoops, rebar, clips, and plastic.  I just replace the plastic periodically. I've made hoop houses in the past similarly with rebar driven into the ground then pvc piping put over top the rebar in an arc over the bed, but this preformed metal tubing works well. The houses make a big difference for me in extending the local season on both ends.
Glad the weather's coming on for you, though it does seem to land in a hurry.  It'll be a big change gardening at home - I'd sure love to avoid all those watering trips during the dry summer.  I'm looking forward to seeing what you accomplish in your new space!  And yeah, the fabric containers are great about keeping the soil breathable.
Devv said:
Looking Good CD!
The B-Goat is one of my staples, as are the P. Dreadies. It's a shame peeps steal your produce, makes one want to develop a ex-lax hybrid ;)   <--evil mind @ work :shh:
I really wish I could grow the pubes you have going there down here!
Theft hasn't been too bad for me. Things do happen though.  I typically leave some nice kale plants into the late fall/winter to sweeten in the colder temps and that's been hit a few times, perhaps because people think those big Winterbor and Redbor plants are just left-overs.  Sometimes an eggplant or whatever will be ripening up nicely and then -poof- it's gone.  Other have had it worse, with whole tomato plants ripped up, containers stolen, pumpkin patches raided.  Oh, I guess I had a hose stolen too, but not the end of the world.  Can't say it doesn't piss me off at the time, but what can you really do?
The B Goats are awesome.  This will be my first year for P Dreadies.  Stetto hooked me up with some seeds and I have 2 good plants underway.  Looking forward to those and a few other bonnets I haven't grown before.
I would think you could totally grow pubes where you are.  Perhaps if you started them at the end of summer and grew them overwinter they might produce strongly in the spring before it got to hot to set - ?  I kept my OW's on my deck here for almost the whole winter, only bringing them in only those times when the overnights were under 35F.  During the cold stretches I can just stick them in the dark of the garage for a full week then back outside and they don't seem to care at all.
Now the ex-lax idea, I think you're onto something there. If you ever get that worked out send me some seeds!
CaneDog said:
So, it's one of those good news, bad news, good news situations, but at least I have the good news bookends!
Good News #1:  One of my plants that turned out to be really cool is now prolifically setting pods.
EDIT - Plant is the top picture in this post - http://thehotpepper.com/topic/71003-canedog-2019-hirsute-pursuit-rocotos-wilds-moar/?p=1630336
Bad News:  It was supposed to be the USDA accession of cardenasii, which are self-incompatible, so, it appears it's not true and that I have a Rocopica cross.
Good News #2:  Actually 2.  First, I'm happy to have a rocopica especially how this one looks (and I know the seeds will be true self-pollinated F2).  Second, I may have lucked into some isolated USDA cardenasii seeds, so I may be able to try for a second true plant soon to complete a breeding pair.  Can say enough about how cool people can be!
The obligatory pics...
Rocopica Flower - several of these pics are over-sized, so click to enbiggen.

Pod setting

Pic showing the purple style with pollen grains and a glimpse of the green stigma. The pistil is from the set pod in front, not the flower in back.

I liked the leaf in this shot

And I like the tricomes in this pic.
I'll try to shed some light on this without going into too much history. The original seeds of C.cardenasii were from market berries brought to a university in Indiana. Those were grown out and what resulted were a few variants.

A few decades later,those variants,along with eximium and rocopica,were all being grown in gardening circles. The vast majority of rocopicas have a similar leaf structure and corolla shape but tend to express a dark purple flower like C.pubescens. There was confusion as to what was a legit cardenasii. People were mistaking rocopica with them,some were even mixing eximium like CAP 1530 up with them.

During that time the CGN variety,which more than likely spawned from the original source,was being grown in Europe. In 2014 or 2015 some seeds were obtained from the USDA. When those seeds were grown out there were 3 or 4 distinct variants like there were 40 or 50 years ago.

The plant you shared has a different frame and leaf structure than what I am accustomed too. That doesn't mean it is a hybrid though. Neither does the dark flower. I would wait until the end of the season to judge what you have.

From my personal experience,the plant and leaf structure,along with berry sizes and seed color are more diagnostic characteristics. Flower color depends on quite a few things.

Edit: These plants will self-pollinate and produce viable seeds. I have produced viable seed indoors with a single plant.
Hey Prodigal.  Thanks for sharing from what you've learned.  It sure helps move me along the curve.  I'm interested to see how this develops.
The USDA "Rocopica" is podding up nicely for being currently a smaller plant.  I think it's the most aesthetic of the plants based on the leaves and branching symmetry.   Being so different in appearance, it's been and will remain isolated and I'll likely look to stabilize it separately.
The USDA "Card" looks extremely similar to the 2 CGN Cards and is now budding up. I'd intended to isolate it anyway, but it's good to hear that self-pollination may occur and wouldn't be dispositive as to previous hybridization. I have a new shipment of tulle coming in today or tomorrow and I think the flowers will hold off so I won't have to move the plants.
As to the CGNs, they look absolutely identical, so unless they show some future variation I'll isolate those as a pair and manually pollinate them.
My goal is that when I save seeds, I'm highly confident in what those seeds are.  Obviously controlling pollination is critical, but in this case properly understanding what I'm starting with is a preliminary step. I appreciate the input.  I'll hold off until later on making any final determinations and isolate in the meantime.
And that'll be the way to get along...