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CaneDog 2019 Hirsute Pursuit – Rocotos, Wilds & Moar

So, here's the new glog for the coming season.  With the indoor grow culled pretty hard now I can focus more on getting ready for what's ahead.  Hoping for a great year, but I’m already a bit behind - the germinators are packed right now and I've still got a round of annuum seeds waiting for their turn.  I guess it wouldn’t feel much like pepper growing though if everything were going perfect.
My focus was going to be rocotos with a side of bonnets and some other stuff, but I found I kept planting more and more wilds. Eventually I just kinda went all-in with them and they took on co-main event status. 
I’ll start things off with some pics of some of the earlier pube’s.  There’s not too many at this point. Unfortunately, the vast majority just went into germination.
First off, Costa Rica Red.  This is the CRR with flattened triangular pods.  I also have an OW CRR that’s a 3-4 lobed “boxy” variety.  I didn't get true seeds off this one last summer, so I have a few of these growing and crossing my fingers they grow true.

Rocoto DeSeda.  These guys were from a bush I’d OW’d a few years in a row, but it didn’t make it through this winter

Rocoto San Camillo

Gelbe Reisen Variant.  These are from true seeds off a plant I’ve been growing for a few years that was supposed to be Gelbe Riesen, but the pods are more orange vs yellow, rounder/less boxy, and just a touch smaller. I don’t know if it’s a natural variation or it might have crossed with a Costa Rica Orange, but it's a great plant. I have a few of these started and am curious what comes of them.

Giant Yellow Rocoto.  Suppose I should pinch that bud off.

Recently hatched Gelbe Riesen sprouts (the parent plant has been a beast for me for a while now) and CAP 217 Hyper-Pube.

That’s it for the rocotos for now.  Will try to post up some pics of the early wilds in a little bit. 
Thanks to all who've visited and commented recently.  Things are busy and it's harder (or at least it seems harder) to keep up with everything right now, but the positive comments are definitely appreciated!  Sometimes it seems to come down to updating my glog or visiting others and it's always more interesting to visit and see with what others are doing.
After a 4 day break I was out at the community garden to water, so I'll post a few quick pictures.
This is bonnet row.  They weren't big fans of the low temps even with decent hardening-off and going into protective hoop houses, but they're through the adjustment and starting to show momentum again.  The local overnight temps are supposed to flirt with the very upper 40F's over the next week or so, but everything outside is well adjusted at this point and pushing forward again.  After the next week things will hopefully stay > 50F and I'll start moving these to their permanent summer homes.

Costa Rica red Rocoto of the pendant/2-lobed variety.  Grabbed a quick pic because this guy just seems really happy right now.  Wish I'd gotten out earlier today when the light was better, because the pic is kinda washed out and the leaves look much nicer in person.

This is a pic of my deck during a sun-break several days ago, right before I harvested the pods.
Well, hell...THIS is where all the cool people hang out. I don't blame them. The scenery is stunning!

Lookin' good, bro-ham. I got your stuff ready to go, but I'm not. Lol. I'm lazy and I procrastinate. Sometimes I choose to procrastinate later. With that said, it'll go out mañana.

Bhuter said:
Well, hell...THIS is where all the cool people hang out. haha. sure, now that you're here anyway.  I don't blame them. The scenery is stunning!   

Lookin' good, bro-ham. I got your stuff ready to go, but I'm not. Lol. I'm lazy and I procrastinate. Sometimes I choose to procrastinate later. With that said, it'll go out mañana.
Thanks man.  I'm in no hurry.  Just super generous of you to hook me up with those.  Hopefully I'll end up with a true pair and get some seed stock before 2019 is done.  My true USDA just started showing a few tiny buds.  Nothing yet from the CGN's.  I topped all 3 plants and figure that's set them back some.  The USDA rocopica didn't get topped and it's setting plenty right now, though that could also be a function of its differing genetics.
CD  :shocked: Dude you are absolutely killing it. That Suspect Card x Rocoto cross and USDA cross plants are freaking beautiful, what stunners! Every plant you have is clearly lovin life! Maybe I missed it.. Have you taken down the hoop house yet? My plants thoroughly enjoyed that 85 degree week we had as I hardened em off... The week after that as you know has been kicking their asses, cold, wet and windy. Lookin forward to that 70 degree week we have coming our way. Everything looks great man, very, very impressed!
BigCedar said:
CD  :shocked: Dude you are absolutely killing it. That Suspect Card x Rocoto cross and USDA cross plants are freaking beautiful, what stunners! Every plant you have is clearly lovin life! Maybe I missed it.. Have you taken down the hoop house yet? My plants thoroughly enjoyed that 85 degree week we had as I hardened em off... The week after that as you know has been kicking their asses, cold, wet and windy. Lookin forward to that 70 degree week we have coming our way. Everything looks great man, very, very impressed!
Thanks man. I have a few malcontents around, but things are going really well so far this year.  That big weather flux we had gave me some headaches because I had plants in the hoop houses which became too hot and needed opening and closing and I'd just put a new round of plants outside to harden off that weren't ready for that heat/sun, so that took extra work too. I did notice the heat really kicked the new growth into gear though. We've had a weird start to 2019 for weather, but heck, when isn't spring that way around here?
The hoop houses are still up.  They really help with weather like this lasts week's, squeezing extra heat out of the days, keeping the plants dry from rain, and with the thermal mass from all the water jugs the interior and soil stay well warmer overnight. As soon as the coming better weather lands though most of the hoop house plants will move to open air locations and I'll probably just keep the hoop houses up as open-ended tunnel for a bit - I do really like to keep the rain off the plants during the cooler weather.
CaneDog said:
Thanks man. I have a few malcontents around, but things are going really well so far this year.  That big weather flux we had gave me some headaches because I had plants in the hoop houses which became too hot and needed opening and closing and I'd just put a new round of plants outside to harden off that weren't ready for that heat/sun, so that took extra work too. I did notice the heat really kicked the new growth into gear though. We've had a weird start to 2019 for weather, but heck, when isn't spring that way around here?
The hoop houses are still up.  They really help with weather like this lasts week's, squeezing extra heat out of the days, keeping the plants dry from rain, and with the thermal mass from all the water jugs the interior and soil stay well warmer overnight. As soon as the coming better weather lands though most of the hoop house plants will move to open air locations and I'll probably just keep the hoop houses up as open-ended tunnel for a bit - I do really like to keep the rain off the plants during the cooler weather.
Right?! Last year if I remember correctly it was really warm from March-Oct it felt like. This year has not started off that way. I have a feeling its gonna be hot this summer though. Hoping were not breathing in smoke Jul-Aug again. Seems to be the new trend around here with good ol climate change in effect. Not any fun. Jealous of your protection, as I'm typing I'm watching my plants get tossed around like rag dolls, they're handling, but not enjoying it that's for damn sure. Walmart box fans can only prepare them so much for Mother Natures version!
My deck peppers have been getting tossed around and knocked over big-time by the wind today, but hopefully it's bringing in the sunnier weather.  And yeah, that wildfire smoke we've been getting more of during summers recently has been the worst. Just sucks when you want to be out doing stuff and have all that smoke.
Growth rates have increased recently with generally improving weather, despite that last week was fairly cool and wet.  
My CAP1491 with the one flower is now my CAP1491 with the one pod.  I wasn't expecting it to set and will now have to mark it. The only plant that could have pollinated it (other than itself) would have been a rocopica, which has been dropping a ton of pollen and setting lots of pods.  When the 1491 starts to open flowers again I'll need to get it under some netting.
Pod on far right.

I also have an Ayuyo that until recently had just one pod. Now it's flowering again and setting pods.  The pod has been sitting purple for quite a while now and it seems like it should be ripening soon.

Also the 2 Tovarii are potted up now and filling in a bit since being topped.  The cuttings aren't self-sufficient yet, but hopefully at least 1 or 2 of the 3 will make it.

I also took a couple quick pics of my San Isidro and Giant Yellow rocotos.  These guys got planted late and I have only the one of each variety.  The San Isidro have historically been great performers/producers for me and giant yellows not too bad either, though it's been a few years since I've grown one.
San Isidro

Giant Yellow
Just a few pics after going out the tend the community garden plots again.  Things are starting to happen fast as the plants are all adjusted to the outdoors and the weather is starting to warm again.  Definitely time to get them out of their current containers and into their final summer homes.
PdN Flower.  I found the slug that did the damage hiding tucked in under the edge of the container.  Launched him a good 30 yards back into the woods.

Chocolate Mint coming back after sitting out over the winter. Was given this last year and it smells great.Just need to keep it controlled in containers.

This is what was supposed to be my growdown SLR, but I have 3 plants and 3 phenos and I think the 3rd plant might actually be the proper (or closest) pheno.  I've picked two big rounds of blossoms off this guy already and I might just let this round go.  Then again, maybe just one more plucking before the imminent final pot-up.

This is one of 4 Jalapeno Zapotec I have growing right now; 1 older smaller indoor plant with pods ripening and 3 started recently.  Looks like it's time to move this later round into bigger/final homes.  Which is getting to be the situation with essentially all of my annuums right now.

And here's a few spinach I'm growing in one of the smaller raised beds, next to some opportunistic OW Walla Walla sweet onions and starting-to-bolt chard. I meant to grow more and some baby kale in these beds prior to the peppers and tomatoes taking over, but, well, you know... 
Also, here's a picture of what I think is the largest of my Aji Lucento Rocotos.  I have 3 total, and I'll probably grow out all 3 so I can isolate seed from at least one Lucento plant that grows both true and strong. The scoop on the Lucento is they're supposed to be somewhat "vine-like" climbers and produce a pod that tastes very good fresh.  I managed to pot up about 7 more rocotos today.  All went into 5g buckets.  This guy will have to wait until next trip though.
dragonsfire said:
Great looking plants, those orange ribbed ones look like Pumpkin Habs ??
Thanks DF.  Do you mean these?   These are some jalapeno zapatec that the bike man (bicycle808) hooked me up with seeds for.  Very strong growing plants.  I have a smaller older plant I was growing indoors that has ripening fruit now,which should be ready to try soon.  Really stoked to try these after hearing many good things.
stc3248 said:
Wow...A lot going on in here CD. You sure are a busy gardener. Everything is looking just fantastic too!
Thanks STC, it feels like too busy at the moment!
I stopped in on your glog just a minute ago and not only are your peppers looking outstanding - the shape and texture of your morgugas is really something - but your yard overall looks fantastic. Great layout, cool features, and well-maintained.  I sure that helps with the WAF. 
Also helps remind me I need to up my aesthetics game and at least clean up my gardens a bit more.  Often that gets put off until things settle down come June.