• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2019 Hirsute Pursuit – Rocotos, Wilds & Moar

So, here's the new glog for the coming season.  With the indoor grow culled pretty hard now I can focus more on getting ready for what's ahead.  Hoping for a great year, but I’m already a bit behind - the germinators are packed right now and I've still got a round of annuum seeds waiting for their turn.  I guess it wouldn’t feel much like pepper growing though if everything were going perfect.
My focus was going to be rocotos with a side of bonnets and some other stuff, but I found I kept planting more and more wilds. Eventually I just kinda went all-in with them and they took on co-main event status. 
I’ll start things off with some pics of some of the earlier pube’s.  There’s not too many at this point. Unfortunately, the vast majority just went into germination.
First off, Costa Rica Red.  This is the CRR with flattened triangular pods.  I also have an OW CRR that’s a 3-4 lobed “boxy” variety.  I didn't get true seeds off this one last summer, so I have a few of these growing and crossing my fingers they grow true.

Rocoto DeSeda.  These guys were from a bush I’d OW’d a few years in a row, but it didn’t make it through this winter

Rocoto San Camillo

Gelbe Reisen Variant.  These are from true seeds off a plant I’ve been growing for a few years that was supposed to be Gelbe Riesen, but the pods are more orange vs yellow, rounder/less boxy, and just a touch smaller. I don’t know if it’s a natural variation or it might have crossed with a Costa Rica Orange, but it's a great plant. I have a few of these started and am curious what comes of them.

Giant Yellow Rocoto.  Suppose I should pinch that bud off.

Recently hatched Gelbe Riesen sprouts (the parent plant has been a beast for me for a while now) and CAP 217 Hyper-Pube.

That’s it for the rocotos for now.  Will try to post up some pics of the early wilds in a little bit. 
For the last lunch post...
Tatiana F4 pods are pretty beastly looking.  Thick heavy pods and these are on a very small plant.  Already looking forward to the F5's inside.
20190802 Tatiana F4 Pod115.jpg

All 3 blue mystery are flowering now.  
20190802 BlueMystery1K.jpg

Disappointing I can't upload this picture directly (versus a third-party link) at a higher resolution - if there's a way I don't know about, clue me in!  This flower's just ridiculous at high res, but not when compressed.
20190802 BlueMysteryCU2-12.jpg
CaneDog said:
Disappointing I can't upload this picture directly (versus a third-party link) at a higher resolution - if there's a way I don't know about, clue me in!  This flower's just ridiculous at high res, but not when compressed.

Upload your high res picture to imgur and post a BBCode link here. You can see your full high res original here when you click on it.
Please! I wanna see it ;)
Figured I'd take a few lazy Saturday morning pics before I had to get going.
First, some pubenscens shots
CAP 1693 has just started flowering. I have 2, both of which are behind the majority of the others - this is actually the farther along of the two.
20190803 CAP1693.jpg

San Isidro has had more purple this season than in others, but still can get fairly white.
20190803 SanIsidro.jpg

Red Manzana is setting very well. Wish I'd had it in isolation this last week.
20190803 RManz12.jpg

Looks like XL Brown x Rocopica cross may have set.  Going to leave it out of the organza bag at this point.  I've had way too much trouble with the little 4x6 o-bags causing drop and even causing the leaves to crinkle up.  Don't think I'll use them again. 
20190803 XLBxRocopica.jpg
What else...
CAP 1491 is setting prolifically.
20190803 CAP1491-12.jpg

Lots of these clusters setting all over the plant. The Tovariis have even bigger clusters, but they aren't really setting yet. Found one dropped corolla a day or two ago, but can't find the set pod. Hoping they kick it into gear soon.
20190803 CAP1491Ex.jpg

And here's a Trilop UcBurun Biber because, well, because why not?
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A few pictures from the community garden. These are plants in the plot with the raised beds. I have another plot that basically just pepper plants directly in the ground (and a couple rows of 5g bucket rocotos).  In the 6 (I think 6) years I've had spots at these gardens this might be the farthest behind my plants have been.  But there are some bright spots.
Reaper pod with water splashed on it
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SLRX being productive and with upright pods.
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Not Alan Boatman - I've had 2 Not A Boatman's in a row from the same pack of seeds.  The first I grew indoors OW and it produced nice red scotch bonnet like pods. These pods are quite different.  Both were strong and productive plants.I'm curious what these will taste like.
20190804 NotABoatman.jpg

(Not so) Large Orange Thai, but wants to produce anyway.
20190804 LOThai.jpg

My Baha Goat from my OW indoor grow that was so consistently productive. It went into a stall (as many of my plants did) when the early warm weather turned cold and wet again, but is pulling out of it's spin and looking good again. Hoping it and the other start putting on some size with the current hotter weather pattern.
20190804 1000.jpg

And this last pic is the graft I grew indoors OW, which is a 7 Pot White wedge grafted onto a CGN 21500.  It also languished outside until the recent hot weather and is now looking better. Still, like many, it needs more size. 
20190804 Graft.jpg
I've been having bad results with the little organza bags especially since the weather heated up so a threw together a quick isolation structure.  I'll keep bagging flowers as I've been doing, but I'll also rotate individual plants through when they have several good flowers about to open. I have a CAP 1242 in there now and I simply put straw sections on each bud that was close to opening then stuffed it under the tulle. Once a few pods set I'll pull it and put the next one in. 
Definitely planning to put the JZ under there when it's ready for another wave.
20190804 ISOTent.jpg

Finally have confirmed pod set on a Tovarii.  These guys having been dropping ridiculous amounts of pollen for a while now. Saw a dropped corolla the other day, but couldn't locate the pod.  Found it tonight.
20190804 TovSet.jpg

Hope they all start falling in line now as there's no shortage of potential.
20190804 Tovarii.jpg

Been a long trip with these guys.  Planted them just before thanksgiving last year and they sprouted at christmas.
20181227 Tov2Hook.jpg
Figured I'd post a bit on the indoor plants. Not many of them currently, and mostly young ones. Have a couple Lanceolatum and Rhomboideum, Cumari do Para (Nigel), USDA Card and CGN Card from cuttings, a USDA Card from seed (new genetics; thanks Bhuter!) and, most recently, 3 purple flower goat weed sprouts (thanks Wiri!). 
EDIT:  Oh, yeah, and a JZ sprout I was thinking I might run in DWC or Kratky, but now I'm not so sure whether I want to put the effort in.
So, Lanceolatum x Bubble Gum F1 (yeah, I wish. has a little creeping calyx/pedicel color, though).
20190805 LanceBBG.jpg

Lanceolatum flowers with Mylar background
20190805 LanceMirror.jpg

20190805 Rhomb.jpg

Cumari do Para
20190805 Cumari do Para (Nigel).jpg

I have 3 of the goats weeds and one is showing much more anthocyanin in the cotyledons than the others.  Plan was to keep just one.  The "one" would be obvious, but I suck at culling.
20190805 PFGoatWeeds1.jpg

20190805 PFGoatWeeds2.jpg
I don't think I've posted a pic of the Bonchi Peach Bhut (Wicked Mike) yet.  I had a full size PBWM I grew indoors OW that put out picture perfect pods, but it's outside now and not doing great.  Authenticity of the Bonchi PBWM is looking questionable, but it is cranking out the flowers and some pods.
20190805 PBWM.jpg
saiias said:
Some day I need a tutorial on creating a pepper bonchi from you CD.

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Hey Saiias.  Super easy and they take very little lighting to produce well indoors.  I would totally dig seeing a member of your blue bucket brigade go bonchi.  Here's from my previous glog when I started them if you're interested in looking.  I thinned them down to 4: Peach Bhut, Yellow 7 Pot, Bubble Gum Red, and Bonda Mahala.
It was quicky-bonchi, but I topped them, let them grow about a week during which the side laterals went  crazy from the root energy, then I popped them out of their bigger containers and cut back the roots.  Then it was just pinching off any leaves that started to grow large and topping any branches that started to get long.
CaneDog said:
I have 3 of the goats weeds and one is showing much more anthocyanin in the cotyledons than the others.  Plan was to keep just one.  The "one" would be obvious, but I suck at culling.
Hey, CD. The Goats Weed peppers have silver/grey/green
foliage, so those are definitely a cross. I had a Goats Weed
plant that showed purple foliage a few seasons ago, but the
pods were short and fat, not as nice as the pure GW.

Your grow is looking like it is starting to turn around, CD.
Same here. Just hope that there is enough good summer
weather left to get some more ripe pods!
PaulG said:
Hey, CD. The Goats Weed peppers have silver/grey/green
foliage, so those are definitely a cross. I had a Goats Weed
plant that showed purple foliage a few seasons ago, but the
pods were short and fat, not as nice as the pure GW.

Your grow is looking like it is starting to turn around, CD.
Same here. Just hope that there is enough good summer
weather left to get some more ripe pods!
Hmmm...  Even at the cotyledon stage they all 3 look wrong?  Well that's disappointing.  Oh well, like I said, I suck at culling. The original plan was goats weed for next season, so if they don't pan out, I'll try again :)
Yep, the recent weather has made a big difference, but time is getting short.  Going to be a nail-biter.  Glad to see the successes you've had with your grow so far and to hear it's responding well to the turn in weather.
CaneDog said:
Hmmm...  Even at the cotyledon stage they all 3 look wrong?  Well that's disappointing.  Oh well, like I said, I suck at culling. The original plan was goats weed for next season, so if they don't pan out, I'll try again :)
Yep, the recent weather has made a big difference, but time is getting short.  Going to be a nail-biter.  Glad to see the successes you've had with your grow so far and to hear it's responding well to the turn in weather.
My GWs are setting pods, so I hope to have
some seeds for you, CD. These are from my
2014 plant.