• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2020

2020 is underway, so it's time to start the new season's glog!  Odd times though, as I'm still harvesting stragglers from last season while the earliest of my 2020 starts are already up.  Grow areas are a bit disorganized as a result  :rolleyes:
This season's grow should be a little more balanced than last season, though I'll still have a ridiculous number of rocotos - many OW's plus a bunch of new varieties - and quite a few carry-over OW wilds, too.
A big "thanks" to all who shared seeds with me for this season.  I'm appreciative and excited to have lots of cool varieties in the mix, many of which I got to watch you grow last season and can now try myself.  I think I'm current with everyone, but if by any chance you were expecting seeds from me that may have slipped through the cracks just shoot me a PM.
As I mentioned, things aren't super organized right now, but here's a few pics anyway.
I planted a few seeds early, just because I couldn't hold off the extra few weeks without planting something.
Amarillo de Arequipa Rocoto just popped- Thanks CTB!
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Ecuador Sweet Rocoto twins - and a big shout out to the two peeps who sent me seeds for these. Both sources germinated and I'm really happy to have them growing.  Disclaimer: they may look overly wet, but these just got sprayed (to avoid HH's) and it's a very porous medium.
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Put another few rocotos in to soak today.
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This is a galapagoense that popped a few days back, exactly 100 days after sowing.
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And this pod contains Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1, one of a couple F1 JZ crosses I'll be growing out this season. The other is Tekne Dolmasi x JZ.
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Finally, I got a solid recommendation on a new media mix I'll be trying out this season in a few variations. The mix is heavy in partially composted bark fines, a fir/hemlock mix as pine's hard to get locally. It's proving to be a veritable mycelium factory.  Bodes well for good symbiosis with the appropriate fungal species this year.
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Heck, they're even fruiting out the drainage holes...  :)
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That's it for now.  Good luck to all in 2020!
dragonsfire said:
What are those grow bags ? They look digestible.
Exactly, they're supposed to degrade if you transplant them into soil and the roots easily grow through them as it is.  I'm after the root pruning effect.
Here's a post where i talk about them and have the Amazon link where I got them.  I'm not 100% on these yet, though.  They were just a little touchy with the watering when the plants first went into them as sprouts, but now they're working better.  I'm hoping they work like fabric pots, so I can leave the plants in them longer and get explosive growth, versus a root-bound mess, when I finally transplant up.
I have a couple Piri Piri AD's growing from seeds Crafty Fox hooked me up with.  They're strong growers and the roots are starting to fill out the bags pretty well.
This is the bigger of the two.
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I have these nursery bags packed close in tubs, so there are humidity pockets around them letting the roots grow out of the bags.  Still, there seems to be enough circulation from the fans that they're air pruning after about a centimeter or two.  I'm hoping they just continue to get more and more densely branched and it pays off at transplant.
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A couple more shots of the plant
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Strong stem and seems to be ready to start pushing out laterals.
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I have a few of PaulG's 7 Pot Burgundy growing.  Really happy to be growing this variety as it rounds out my small 7 Pot grow nicely along with my Chaguanas and Yellow 7's and some OG Red Brain Strain.  This one was a salvage I stuck into a Jerry-rigged kratky to get it going again.  Recently the roots started filling out and now the top seems to be almost doubling in size daily.  Should be back into dirt again soon.
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Here's a couple F1 Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno.  They're looking a bit scraggly, but happy and healthy.
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And a couple F1 Tekne Dolmasi x Jalapeno Zapotec.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the F2's will bring, but in the meantime I'm expecting a bunch of big tasty pods from these F1's. :)  I really should move the few annuums I started early into a better setup.  They're growing fast and they're already out of sync with the rest.
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Still just waiting on sprouts.  It feels like forever since I dropped a new batch of seeds - mostly wild types - and they're just not budging!   :mad:
CaneDog said:
I have a few of PaulG's 7 Pot Burgundy growing.  Really happy to be growing this variety as it rounds out my small 7 Pot grow nicely along with my Chaguanas and Yellow 7's and some OG Red Brain Strain.  This one was a salvage I stuck into a Jerry-rigged kratky to get it going again.  Recently the roots started filling out and now the top seems to be almost doubling in size daily.  Should be back into dirt again soon.
20200227 7PBurgT&B.jpg
Here's a couple F1 Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno.  They're looking a bit scraggly, but happy and healthy.
20200227 JZxPJ F1B.jpg
And a couple F1 Tekne Dolmasi x Jalapeno Zapotec.  I'm looking forward to seeing what the F2's will bring, but in the meantime I'm expecting a bunch of big tasty pods from these F1's. :)  I really should move the few annuums I started early into a better setup.  They're growing fast and they're already out of sync with the rest.
20200227 TKxJZ F1.jpg
Still just waiting on sprouts.  It feels like forever since I dropped a new batch of seeds - mostly wild types - and they're just not budging!   :mad:
I feel you Cane!! I've dropped a few new seeds and they're not budging! We have a lot to look forward too cheers...

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simp3204 said:
All caught up for 2020, can't wait to see how everything goes.  I think I'm using similar grow bags to your white ones.
Hey Simp. That's cool. You should have told me sooner and I'd have picked your brain for nursery bag techniques. :)

Great to see you started your glog!

Bookers said:
I feel you Cane!! I've dropped a few new seeds and they're not budging! We have a lot to look forward too cheers...
Well sure bookers, that's the mature and reasonable way to look at it, but me right now? Grrr...
Hey, CD!  Your plants look great - very robust and healthy.
I hope the 7 Pot Burgundy Pecan produces the pecan-colored
pods for you. Being an unstable cross, you might get something
different, although 2 generations of the plant produced the brown
pods. I can't believe it's been two months since seeds were dropped.
I haven't done much thinking about my annuum grow. Too many plants
as it is, but there are some sweets and milds I really want to grow this season.
Good luck coaxing the rest of those wild varieties into hooking.
The ones you sent me are rocking right along - thanks again, my friend!
Getting some hooks coming up again.  Recent additions of:
Purple Flowered Baccatum
Mutant Candlelight
Special Aji Cachucha
Aji Limo
Leo72's light & dark varieties - 1 each. I believe these are Peach Cabaca and White Pearl, but I need to confirm.
Anyhow, it's good to see a little activity again after the break in the action.
I've started hardening off the first group of OW's to move onto the back deck with the "outside" rocotos.  It consists mainly of flexuosum, cardenasii, and lots of rocoto varieties.  The plan is to have these all outside before starting the annuums.
That's awesome Cane. I found out the plants I had labeled rocoto were Aji Gold from Bhuter last year. This week for us temperature wise will be 50s and maybe 60 degrees. A few weeks ago my wife got me a mini 5foot 4 tier green house. I'm guessing I'll still have to wait until after frost to use it outside at night anyway...Last few days 28 degrees no way to heat... cheers happy grow!!!

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