• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

CaneDog 2020

2020 is underway, so it's time to start the new season's glog!  Odd times though, as I'm still harvesting stragglers from last season while the earliest of my 2020 starts are already up.  Grow areas are a bit disorganized as a result  :rolleyes:
This season's grow should be a little more balanced than last season, though I'll still have a ridiculous number of rocotos - many OW's plus a bunch of new varieties - and quite a few carry-over OW wilds, too.
A big "thanks" to all who shared seeds with me for this season.  I'm appreciative and excited to have lots of cool varieties in the mix, many of which I got to watch you grow last season and can now try myself.  I think I'm current with everyone, but if by any chance you were expecting seeds from me that may have slipped through the cracks just shoot me a PM.
As I mentioned, things aren't super organized right now, but here's a few pics anyway.
I planted a few seeds early, just because I couldn't hold off the extra few weeks without planting something.
Amarillo de Arequipa Rocoto just popped- Thanks CTB!
20200102 Amarillo de Arequipa.jpg

Ecuador Sweet Rocoto twins - and a big shout out to the two peeps who sent me seeds for these. Both sources germinated and I'm really happy to have them growing.  Disclaimer: they may look overly wet, but these just got sprayed (to avoid HH's) and it's a very porous medium.
20200103 ESRs.jpg

Put another few rocotos in to soak today.
20200104 R3S.jpg

This is a galapagoense that popped a few days back, exactly 100 days after sowing.
20200103 Galap100#2.jpg

And this pod contains Jalapeno Zapotec x Purple Jalapeno F1, one of a couple F1 JZ crosses I'll be growing out this season. The other is Tekne Dolmasi x JZ.
20200101 JZ x PJ #1.jpg

Finally, I got a solid recommendation on a new media mix I'll be trying out this season in a few variations. The mix is heavy in partially composted bark fines, a fir/hemlock mix as pine's hard to get locally. It's proving to be a veritable mycelium factory.  Bodes well for good symbiosis with the appropriate fungal species this year.
20200101 Fungi#1.jpg

20200103 Froot2.jpg

Heck, they're even fruiting out the drainage holes...  :)
20200101 Fungi#2.jpg

That's it for now.  Good luck to all in 2020!
That variegated Jalapeño looks amazing Mr McDog, curious to see how the fruits turn out and how much variation there is between plants.

And you're for sure keeping the scientific approach going, with multi layers of perlite density, hopefully it will pay off for you!

Seems like you're really making good progress towards full-blown plant out, is it a matter of weeks now? I'm hoping either the coming week or the week after latest over here...

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lespaulde said:
That variegated Jalapeño looks amazing Mr McDog, curious to see how the fruits turn out and how much variation there is between plants.

And you're for sure keeping the scientific approach going, with multi layers of perlite density, hopefully it will pay off for you!

Seems like you're really making good progress towards full-blown plant out, is it a matter of weeks now? I'm hoping either the coming week or the week after latest over here...

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Hey LP.  I see your plants are looking great in the windows!  I imagine they're starting to get some pretty long days of natural light.  I especially like the foliage on your Paper Lantern - and of course the rocotos :)  My best guess for dirt day (at the community gardens) is next weekend, and then another phase of later starts probably 2 weeks after that.  I already have a lot of container plants outside my house, which demand different levels of schlepping for overnight and adverse weather.  It's getting close though.  They're projecting high temps of about 26C for a couple days next week.
HeatMiser said:
Agreed! It almost looks like an orchid... I'm guessing a lot of crosses will come out of this plant.
A couple of them are really starting to look cool.  They definitely are growing at speeds correlated to the amount of green on the leaves. The all-green one is significantly out ahead and there's one with only a tiny spot of green on one of three leaves and it's not growing fast.  I should try to get some pictures up again soon.  Hopefully the pods are good, but either way it will be getting crossed a bit.
PaulG said:
Maybe we should make a dedicated
thread for the Variegated Jalapeño?
That could be pretty cool.  Especially if we can get some seeds sent around and more people growing them.
A few updates
I was able to trade-up the lousy one of my two community garden plots for this better one.  Primo location with easy access, sun all day, and at the highest point for good drainage.  The old one was near the bottom of the hill in a shady mosquito lagoon by the woods and had poor soil and drainage  - plus it was on a sideways slope.  Super psyched about this, but I'll definitely need to fence this one or I'm sure I'll be robbed blind this year.
It's the eastern-most of 3 plots in a separate block
20200421 NewPlot.jpg

20200421 NewPlotCU.jpg

An update on the variegated jalapenos shows how mine are growing at speeds inverse to the amount of white on the leaves.
All of 'em
20200503 VJalapsAll.jpg

The two whitest, which are also the smallest
20200503 VariegatedJalap.jpg

20200503 VJalap.jpg

And a more middle-of-the-road one
20200503 VarJalap.jpg

Mutant is blossoming
20200503 MutantBuds.jpg

So is this Lemon Spice Jalap, which has been getting a lot of deck time.  It's also been setting pods.  I really like these L Spice plants. Great leaves, strong plants.
20200428 LemSpice.jpg

And my lone Special Cachucha is looking good and starting to put on size. Nevermind the bogus tag; it says "Special Cachucha," or words to that effect, on the other side.
20200503 SpecialCachucha.jpg
Thanks, B.  I've been waiting a long time for this and it should be a difference maker.
Those are some cold blasts for plants used to the comforts of your spare room - heck, that's flat-out cold period.  Anything you can do to keep 'em warmer I'd try it.  I hope they can pull through for you and get growing strong again, quickly.
It's that time of year where it's too easy to have this kind of stuff happen. Cold temps, wind blasts, blazing sun.  It can be a toss up when the seasons are changing and it doesn't help when the weather peeps see conflicting models and just pick one instead of admitting they don't have a clue which it's going to be.
That hornet does not look like any fun at all, holy hell!

That new plot of yours however.... Daaaaaaing! Looks like you hardly could have done any better and there seems to be lots of room for all your plants?!? I foresee great things (given your skillz) and can't wait to see your plants grow massive once planted out.

Will you need to put an electrified fence up or will a standard one do, you reckon?

Super interesting about the variegated Jalapeño results, I wonder if the amount of chlorophyll in the plants is related to growth? I guess those white leafs are not very efficient at converting light to energy? Will be very exciting to watch how they do over a period of time to see some real long term differences.

I, in any case, have pulled up a chair and will be watching... :)

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CaneDog said:
That could be pretty cool.  Especially if we can get some seeds sent around and more people growing them.
I support this message!  :P
Looks like the perfect upgrade locationwise for your peppers! The sheer amount of peppers you could have there is awesome! Congrats! 
The Cachucha looks like its about to enter a beauty contest! 
Interesting observation re variegation vs growth CD. I'll be watching these along with everybody else.
The new CG plot looks promising! Now, when you say "robbed", is that by man or beast? lol
lespaulde said:
That hornet does not look like any fun at all, holy hell!

That new plot of yours however.... Daaaaaaing! Looks like you hardly could have done any better and there seems to be lots of room for all your plants?!? I foresee great things (given your skillz) and can't wait to see your plants grow massive once planted out.  Yep, I totally lucked-out with this. It's probably the 2nd best plot for growing peppers in the entire garden.

Will you need to put an electrified fence up or will a standard one do, you reckon?  I was actually thinking this exact thing. In this location, it will certainly have to be more substantial than what I put up on my other plot, last season.

Super interesting about the variegated Jalapeño results, I wonder if the amount of chlorophyll in the plants is related to growth? I guess those white leafs are not very efficient at converting light to energy? Will be very exciting to watch how they do over a period of time to see some real long term differences.  I'm on the same page with you here, too.  I'm glad I have several, as I suspect it's going to be a matter of how much of the stark white color (actually, how little green) the plants can have and still be realistically viable. 

I, in any case, have pulled up a chair and will be watching... :)
Thanks LP.  I expect to isolate seed from plants from each degree of whiteness so if you end up wanting to give them a go I'll have you covered.
Mildfruit said:
I support this message!  :P   You bet  :thumbsup:  Unless I totally bone things up somehow there should be plenty.
Looks like the perfect upgrade locationwise for your peppers! The sheer amount of peppers you could have there is awesome! Congrats! 
The Cachucha looks like its about to enter a beauty contest! 
Right?  I really like the chinense leaves when they get that pillowy look to them.  Unfortunately, it doesn't last once they go outside - although sometimes rocotos leaves will do something similar. 
DownRiver said:
Interesting observation re variegation vs growth CD. I'll be watching these along with everybody else.
The new CG plot looks promising! Now, when you say "robbed", is that by man or beast? lol
Yeah, I have a limited number, but it sure looks that way and there's a logic to less chlorophyll = less/slower growth.
The beasts have always taken their toll, but it's been surprisingly minor.  The same could be said of people until last season when it was out of control.  It's pure speculation, but I figure this season after the effects of COVID on people's thinking it will be even worse.  Plus the new plot is front and center. 
To my knowledge, I've never had any pods other than Annuum stolen, which is good, but people apparently lie in wait and strike at the first sign of red - you can actually tell that certain visitors are casing the gardens by the way they act.  Jalapenos seem to be the hottest ticket and I was losing every one last year until I put a fence up.
New garden plots look great, CD!
Wish we had a community garden
close by here.
The Orange Spice Jalapeño looks great.
Mine is about 2" tall  :rofl:
Those pure white Variegated Jalapeños are money!  
I hope they make it for you. Tough to create growth
energy with no chlorophyl! The cotyledons must be
supplying nutrients to the plant.
The variegation is originally caused by a benign virus,
isn't that correct. CD? That would explain slower growth
for the ones that show the white color.
PaulG said:
New garden plots look great, CD!
Wish we had a community garden
close by here.  Yeah, I wish you did too.  I'm more than a bit surprised that you don't where you are.
The Orange Spice Jalapeño looks great. That's actually a Lemon Spice - I have two LS that look great.  My orange spices, however, are sucking wind; they just don't seem to like either inside light, especially the T5HO's.  I moved them to the deck today for daytime sun and I'm hoping that helps.  They're more accessible for pictures now so I'll try to get a couple up and show the difference in performance.  Glad yours is doing so well.  They come with the promise of very high heat levels, so I'd like have some better plants like the Lemons or yours!
Mine is about 2" tall  :rofl:
Those pure white Variegated Jalapeños are money!  
I hope they make it for you. Tough to create growth
energy with no chlorophyl! The cotyledons must be
supplying nutrients to the plant.
The variegation is originally caused by a benign virus,
isn't that correct. CD? That would explain slower growth
for the ones that show the white color.
So, that's a good questions about the variegation and one I'm trying to figure out.  I've only recently started reading on variegation genetics, but my understanding is there are various different genetics supporting variegation. Apparently it's an active space for induced mutation, especially by exposure to gamma radiation - I'm impatiently awaiting Hulk Peppers!  :)
I haven't read about a benign virus yet, but so far I've read on a dominant single gene mutation and what appears to be an allelic series m1 - m4.  There seem to be levels of variegation, which better supports the allelic series.  That is unless the dominant gene were incompletely dominant, like the Anthocyanin gene.  This was my original thought seeing the different levels of variegation - similar to how Anthocyanin shows varying degrees of darkness, versus a simple is or isn't dark. 
Anyway, lots to read and think about if I'm going to figure out what's going on.  Hopefully I can understand them better and what to select and expect for subsequent generations.