can't figure out what this pepper is?

A friend gave me some of these and I don't know what they are, can you help?

Nonono. That's Red Cap Mushroom. It have more names btw :) And it's a common annuum - see calyx.
Here's mine

Other pics of my Red Cap Mushroom are here
It has such a weedy taste and thin flesh. And heat varies very much.

Btw I even made some crosses with it but didn't sow them yet.
Red Jamaican Mushroom (which should be called a Scotch Bonnet in my opinion... have you seen the hats the Scotch wear! ;-))

I grew yellow mushrooms ones this year. Look the same only a different color.

What do they taste like? Do they taste like chinense?

I planted a "Scotch Bonnet" plant I got at a nursery and it produced scotch-bonnet-looking peppers the right size, roughly the right shape, and the right color but taste nothing like Scotch Bonnet. They're hot, but not hot enough. The leaves are the deep green smooth, and narrow leaves of annuum too. I've finally settled on Yellow Mushroom as the actual type of pepper.

The taste is very green bell pepper without the fruity/habanero flavor of the scotch bonnet. They're also maybe 10% the heat of a real scotch bonnet. I ate a whole one without even wincing.
Those pics look alot like the c annum that alot of people call Scotch Bonnets. They don't have the heat and good taste of the c chinese scotch bonnets.
Ya, they shouldn't be mixed up with Scotch bonnets even though their shape is often more tam or bonnet shape than most real Scotch bonnets(C. chinense Jacq.)
Your pic could also be a "pa 353" but its likely the same or similar to the "red mushroom"