• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

It has been several year since I have started a grow log like a newb but I enjoy this time of year starting plants.  My name is Cappy and I first discovered the Seven Pod in a seed trade from Sara R. in Trinidad in 2008.  That year I had a grow log and documented my grow of an extra brainy seven pod and the Brain Strain 7 Pod was born.  Since that time I have shared seeds with anybody and everybody who asked for little more than the cost of shipping.  I did not try to profit or chase the world hottest title, that goes to CARDI and the creator of the seven pod.  I am just a grower of limited means with a closet with a grow light and a backyard in a residential neighborhood.  What I am is proud of my contribution to the pepper community and the opportunity to shared this pepper with the rest of the world.
Last year I received some seeds from a very generous Trinidadian friend here in the states by the name of Judy.  I have dreams on making a chocolate version of my yearly hot sauce BrAiN sTrAiN.  There have been both red and yellow versions in the past so 2015 will be the year of the chocolate BS.  First round of seeds were sown last weekend January 4 and today I have my first seedling so here we go!
Cappy, plants are looking good. Butter knife tip is good. I usually just push from the bottom of the pot and pop them out but that requires more roots to hold the soil together.
Thanks to everyone for following and commenting.  Like pepper growers everywhere I have already run out of grow space and am backed up moving my plants around.  Plants in my cell tray had a big growth spurt and need to be potted up and moved under my 400 watt metal halide bulb.  The plants under the HID are growing a little slower than expected but look really nice this year, usually don't add mushroom compost and Espoma this first pot up but got to keep trying new things to get better.  Plants are stocky and dark green so the nutrients are feeding the plants and with the Metal Halide on just 12/12 letting the plants rest at night.  These need to get bigger so I can stage them in front of some south facing windows and get the cell tray plants potted up next.  Thanks for the feedback on the knife transplant trick glad to help anyway I can.  Go Hawks!









Looking great! I love when they get their first few sets of true leaves, it all looks so promising.
Your plants are nice and stocky! Not leggy at all.  Gotta be your lighting as well as the nutrients, right?
The never ending quest for more grow space though....
Pulpiteer said:
Looking great! I love when they get their first few sets of true leaves, it all looks so promising.
Your plants are nice and stocky! Not leggy at all.  Gotta be your lighting as well as the nutrients, right?
The never ending quest for more grow space though....
The real reason all my plants go under the MH lamp and get "nuked" for 2 weeks after potting up is not what you see topside, it is for maximum root development.  The big bright light forces the plants to grow roots fast to be able to handle it's environment and higher transpiration rate.  Growing a good strong root ball is key to happy healthy plants.  Thanks!
I cannot wait til they look like this.
Just had a visit with my Graphic Designer to pick up more stickers and ask about a t-shirt with the logo.  The vinyl BrAiN sTrAiN labels are a reorder so they look great and have been on my back window of my car, on a coffee mug, guitar case without fading.  They can be yours for a very limited time for $2/each paypal good until Valentine's Day see my status for ordering instructions.  Thank you!
Cool logo design, Cappy!
This is cool; BrainStrain hooks!  These are second generation from a
pod sent by Jamie in 2012.  These went into the Aerogarden on 23
January, so 11 days to hook:

On the plant last season:

Right after harvesting:

Pardon the intrusion, but thanks for getting this strain going!
Hey Paul, congrats to the new hooks! I have been following Jamie's lineage of Brain Strain 7 Pod for several years and now you have the real deal.  I'll post a early picture of the BrAiN sTrAiN 7 Pod in my garden from 2008 for you to compare pods shape with my first flush of pods of the mother plant.  Glad to see peppers that so closely resemble those original pods.  It has been all my pleasure, Thanks!
PexPeppers said:
heres one in 2013 as well from your seedstock
cut open
I know you don't need for me to tell you this Garrett but that is definitely the BrAiN sTrAiN SeVeN PoD! I bet those hydro grown 7 pod were incendiary using the water farms outside.  Very nice!
Beautiful Friday afternoon got some potting up done already.  The first round of plants got their first taste of sunshine today for just a few hours in the shade while I potted up some more plants into solo cups under the HID.  These plants were all started on the same day, some were potted up and put under a HID lamp and the others stayed under a T5 HO.  The plants under the metal halide are much more advanced with root and leaf growth by a wide margin.  New plants starting under the HID should catch up in the next few weeks.  Moving plants around under different lights is a juggling act this time of year for sure.  Have a great weekend out there everybody!



