• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Cappy's 2015 Chocolate BS

It has been several year since I have started a grow log like a newb but I enjoy this time of year starting plants.  My name is Cappy and I first discovered the Seven Pod in a seed trade from Sara R. in Trinidad in 2008.  That year I had a grow log and documented my grow of an extra brainy seven pod and the Brain Strain 7 Pod was born.  Since that time I have shared seeds with anybody and everybody who asked for little more than the cost of shipping.  I did not try to profit or chase the world hottest title, that goes to CARDI and the creator of the seven pod.  I am just a grower of limited means with a closet with a grow light and a backyard in a residential neighborhood.  What I am is proud of my contribution to the pepper community and the opportunity to shared this pepper with the rest of the world.
Last year I received some seeds from a very generous Trinidadian friend here in the states by the name of Judy.  I have dreams on making a chocolate version of my yearly hot sauce BrAiN sTrAiN.  There have been both red and yellow versions in the past so 2015 will be the year of the chocolate BS.  First round of seeds were sown last weekend January 4 and today I have my first seedling so here we go!
Man, good luck with the house hunting.  You could always think of your grow room as a showcase for perspective house hunters.  "Do you have a pepper problem?  Then we've got the house for you!" :lol:  I hope it falls into place quickly for you though.  We moved last year in June, and it sucks.  Threw off the garden season too. 
Your plants look amazing though.  They look so uniform in your pictures too!
Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Picture update of the plants I put in solo cups on February 6 and have had a nice growth spurt in just 10 days.  My light runs 12 on/12 off so in the dark half of the time.  Lots of air circulation keep the temps in my closet in the low 70's, the heat radiating from the light warms the soil and the plants simulating springtime weather.  I have the first round of plants sitting in a south facing very sunny window ready to go outside and another tray of seedlings with just their cotyledons showing.  I have a seed starting problem and my name is Cappy!
They look really healthy!  :dance:
   Cappy....I hope this isn't off topic. I was curious about the mushroom compost you're using. I've never tried it before, but you're plants look so healthy, I went and picked up a few bags. How early do you introduce this into your medium? How much do you use? I'm excited about having an alternative to fish emulsion. I typically alternate between that and MG all purpose plant food. I can't wait to give the compost a try. 
peppernovice said:
   Cappy....I hope this isn't off topic. I was curious about the mushroom compost you're using. I've never tried it before, but you're plants look so healthy, I went and picked up a few bags. How early do you introduce this into your medium? How much do you use? I'm excited about having an alternative to fish emulsion. I typically alternate between that and MG all purpose plant food. I can't wait to give the compost a try. 
Thanks Tim! This is the first year that I have introduced the mushroom compost during the first pot up usually wait until I they get outside.  Usually I have just used fish emulsion and kelp extract at this juncture but I had a bag left over of Black Kow mushroom compost from last season sitting in my garage.  I used a 5 gallon bucket to mix my soil, so I filled a little over half way with Farfards 3B mix, added 1 solo cup of mushroom compost, and 1 cup of Espoma garden-tone and mixed together.  I have noticed that my soil has more substance to it this year and stays moist longer between waterings, but I think the extra green vegetative growth you see on my plants is mainly due to the intense metal halide along with good soil.  I would only use mushroom compost inside all manure stays outside the house.
Some pictures added of the first round plants getting some outside time today and tomorrow supposed to reach 72F then back inside.  These have just been sitting in a south facing window since coming out from under the HID.  Not many days to get them outside yet this year.



This year has been different, I just left the plants in the grow room versus hauling them all out for 36 hours of nice weather. Hopefully this is the last of the nasty weather.
Plants looking great Cappy!
Great looking plants man!  The weather in Charleston has been horrible lately, way too cold for this time of year.  Every time I plan on moving some of the older plants outside the weather goes south and messes up my day.  
I couldn't agree more about T5s and fluorescents.  Some people have great results with them but I just never could get them looking as good as when under HID lighting.  I had 5 T5 fixtures sitting in the closet that I finally sold over the winter because we just weren't using them after going to CMH setups in the fall.  The plants grow faster, uptake more nutrients, and seem to take less time to harden off under HID lighting.  
Once again, great looking plants!  Keep up the good work and let me know if you need anything.
Weekend update.  Plants are neglected and just watered a couple times a week.  I have made plans for most of my plants to go out in the country and grow on a farm this summer and just keep 15 mother plants here at the house.  I am going to scale back my operation and purge all the black nursery pots and soil I have accumulated over the years, will just be growing in large terra cotta containers to keep it looking under control.
The plan is to take 100-150 chocolate BS out to the farm and grow them there, it is going to take a team effort to get these to maturity this year. 




That is one glorious carpet of greenery you have. Every damn plant I see looks perfect, just like Noah said. 150 chocolate brain strains, man, that is just freaking awesome to the thousandth degree. I hope that everything works out for the best Cappy, I really do.